It's always for sale for the right price. Plus, after being in a high hp car that night, I think he needs another cobra. This is all just speculation since he's a good friend of mine. BTW, my plugs were blowing out that night, thank god nothing was hurt. They are now at 0.025 and I ran 20psi just fine. It took some trial and error though. My car was trying to catch up, but just kept blowing out the spark lol! I need a rematch
What plugs are you using?
I have the BR7's.
I run 19 PSI with a .32 or .34 I can't remember what I used.
I can tell you one thing for sure. I only have 4 threads in my heads.
I am ready for a rematch. Bring it on. LOL
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5