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Thread: Fall Route 66 Show in Flagstaff

  1. #51
    Senior Member 66Pony's Avatar
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    Likewise, can't hear the engine rumble properly with the A/C blowing away
    Daily Driver: 2012 V6 MCA Edition with Performance Package in Performance White

  2. #52
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    I see we have alot of views, but I wonder how many are going? We're talking about the cruise at AZMCC Wed night and CMC on Sunday.
    '89 ASC/McLaren #176
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  3. #53
    Senior Member JoeT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HanksGT View Post
    I see we have alot of views, but I wonder how many are going? We're talking about the cruise at AZMCC Wed night and CMC on Sunday.
    You ok Hank? Your post made no sense. This topic is for the Route 66 Show in Flagstaff.

  4. #54
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    I think so. Let me clarify my statement: I wonder how many cars will be cruising with us on Friday 9/9 through Prescott to Flagstaff to the Route 66 car show. I expect we'll have a good turnout for that weekend, since it will be discussed at the AZ Mustang club meeting tonight and the Copperstate Meeting on Sunday.
    '89 ASC/McLaren #176
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  5. #55
    Senior Member JoeT's Avatar
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    Sorry Hank now that I understand what you were saying your post made perfect sense!
    I think its a great time for all. No matter what club you belong to. This trip is not about ANY club, this trip really is about Route 66 and just car people in general wanting to get out of the heat for a few days and enjoy some fun and relaxation with some great people. Everyone that can get away should make this event! You will really miss out if you don't.

    If you read this and are planning on going please sound off! It will help the organizers have a better understanding of how many people are going and how best to handle the amount of cars with the different stops that are planned and the start off points.

    For me some of the best times I ever have is when lots and lots of Mustangs are cruising down the road together.
    Last edited by JoeT; 08-10-11 at 10:58 AM.

  6. #56
    Senior Member 66Pony's Avatar
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    The last few years we have gotten 15-20 cars for the Payson route. Given this new route will pull in folks from both the east and west side, I think we are going to have a nice crowd. I also echo Joe's request to have folks chime in here if they plan to join the caravan. I'm ready to go NOW!
    Daily Driver: 2012 V6 MCA Edition with Performance Package in Performance White

  7. #57
    Senior Member 66Pony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Shopmier View Post
    About what time do you expect to get to the BK? I would like to get Yarnell behind me before it gets too hot, the car will be ok, its the driver we need to worry about here. The only construction that has any lane closures was leaving Prescott on 89. Since we are lunching in Prescott, will we do Jerome? I usually go to Ashfork, fairly level road, take a break there and jump on 40 into Flag., miles wise a little longer but speed wise it is faster, so it's a toss.
    Think we are talking about the 89A route through Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon, but I suppose that different groups could go either way from Prescott. To me, its not about how quickly you get there.
    Daily Driver: 2012 V6 MCA Edition with Performance Package in Performance White

  8. #58
    Senior Member Rick Shopmier's Avatar
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    It would be good to get a body count and concensus on route and times. We have time to do some fine tuning on this to make it as fun as possible. I am really looking forward to the trip and hope we can keep things simple and well communicated. I have radios and cell phone #s might be great for coordination at the start of the trip on Friday. Joe, I kinda disagree on the cars point....its about the enthusiasm and not the years, you have a nice car and no one is going to grumble about being in the show, of course its your decision. Any how its still really is the run and socializing, and the "COOL" air. It's a month away,,,is anyone counting the days?


  9. #59
    Senior Member JoeT's Avatar
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    Im ready to go! As you mentioned Rick I go for the people and the cruise. My cars just a little to stock right now. If you just would a sold me the 66 Id have it instead of my 2010

  10. #60
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    The main reason we got is for the fun of going, cool air and great friends... And Andy's sandwich!
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