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Thread: Mustang Monsoon Madness! October 24th 2009

  1. #111
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    There is still a few spots open but dont wait until the last second because we cannot guarantee spots now. If you are for sure coming let Hank know in advance..
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  2. #112
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Ok i am actually talking with Nancy trying to figure some thigns out because this is the first year they are having it at the stadium

  3. #113
    Super Moderator 4Jenna's Avatar
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    I jumped the gun, motor is ok I will be there!

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  4. #114
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4Jenna View Post
    I jumped the gun, motor is ok I will be there!

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  5. #115
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Thats Great news!!
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  6. #116
    Join Date
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    Hello Copperstate Mustang Members,
    Please excuse my e-mail if I am starting anything, for that is not my reasons for writing you all. We have been hearing talk that the "Firebird Activity" on Friday the 23rd, is going to be another replay of the very long waiting times waiting to run our cars. Something to do with the "Funny Cars" being there as well and freezing up the lanes for them to do practice runs to qualify for their activity on the same weekend. Some of us will be coming down anyway, since we will be participating in your show Saturday, but we have some members that are only coming for your Firebird Raceway event on Friday evening. They really don't want to drive from Payson to only get a chance to run their cars a couple times like in the past. Things happen, and Firebird needs to do what it takes to stay in business during this slow time in our economy, just like the rest of us.
    But it would be great to know in advance if this track activity is going to be extremely slow like in the past. They can always plan to do another track event when the schedule wont be so over loaded.
    We appreciate everyone at Copperstate for all the hard work you all do in making our hobby a great one. You guys have always done excellent on your car shows and activities, Thank you.
    If someone could please help me out and give me what information you might have concerning Firebird and this coming Friday, I would greatly apprecaite it.

    Thank you,
    Keith Orr
    RCMC - Pres.
    Payson, AZ

  7. #117
    67 'Stang Lover
    I am very familiar with Firebird Raceway as I used to work there part time and have raced there a lot as well. I will try and explain this the best I can and I am sure other people will help as well as we have a lot of 'Racers' on this Forum. Yes, you are right in that there is a major event this weekend and it is 'The Nostalgia Funny Car Drags'. They had the same one last year and it is a big event. I went to this with my wife after the National Show last October at the Casino on the same Saturday night. It was great and was a huge event.
    However, the people that were in line to race had to share the track with all of the 'Run what you Brung' for the regular Friday night Drags and the Racers for the Nostalgia Drags as well. It is very busy and it is not Firebirds fault as they are just trying to run a Business and only have a couple of major Events throughout the fiscal year. This being one of them. I have raced on these nights numerous times and I only got roughly 2-4 runs in down the track in a 6-hour period. On a 'Normal' Friday night event I would usually get 7-20 runs in down the track. It is fun either way but it is up to you. I love the sport so I have a good time either way. Hope this helps. Have fun,

    Steve...............('67 and '07 Mustang Owner)

    Quote Originally Posted by paysonpony View Post
    Hello Copperstate Mustang Members,
    Please excuse my e-mail if I am starting anything, for that is not my reasons for writing you all. We have been hearing talk that the "Firebird Activity" on Friday the 23rd, is going to be another replay of the very long waiting times waiting to run our cars. Something to do with the "Funny Cars" being there as well and freezing up the lanes for them to do practice runs to qualify for their activity on the same weekend. Some of us will be coming down anyway, since we will be participating in your show Saturday, but we have some members that are only coming for your Firebird Raceway event on Friday evening. They really don't want to drive from Payson to only get a chance to run their cars a couple times like in the past. Things happen, and Firebird needs to do what it takes to stay in business during this slow time in our economy, just like the rest of us.
    But it would be great to know in advance if this track activity is going to be extremely slow like in the past. They can always plan to do another track event when the schedule wont be so over loaded.
    We appreciate everyone at Copperstate for all the hard work you all do in making our hobby a great one. You guys have always done excellent on your car shows and activities, Thank you.
    If someone could please help me out and give me what information you might have concerning Firebird and this coming Friday, I would greatly apprecaite it.

    Thank you,
    Keith Orr
    RCMC - Pres.
    Payson, AZ
    Last edited by 67 'Stang Lover; 10-20-09 at 11:04 PM.

  8. #118
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Yes but this year we have home made Pulled Pork Sandwiches by my Lovely Dee! So for the $5 to watch and $15 to race we get a very nice meal, funny cars and jet cars, front row seats and best of all hangin out with all your Mustang Buddies thanks to Stage 3 and CMC!!
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    Last edited by Jacostang; 10-20-09 at 11:18 PM.
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  9. #119
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    hope i get there soon enough to eat this year! last year all the food was gone in a flash...

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  10. #120
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    I'll save ya a sandwich T!
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

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