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Thank you for your professional advice. I do apprecaite your help. In your message you talked about a fully manual valvebody. Is this something that I could do to make the ratchet shifter work. I wish I would have purchased a Mustang with a manual transmission, but that's in the past. And I have done so much work to my mustang, I don't want to get rid of it. I know that my automatic will never perform like a true manual transmission, but with the full manual valvebody and the TCI ratchet shifter, can I get close to the feel of having a manual transmission. I don't go the track very much. I do participate in activities like the up coming "Monsoon Madness", but not much otherwise. And I am not looking for competitive results, but rather just fun and sporty daily driving. I am sure this sounds pretty lame, but presently I am not in the market for another vehicle. I am following the Camaro and Challenger scene right now, and I am waiting for the kraze to slow down on these vehicles. I will eventually be driving one or the other, but I will not be selling or trading my current Mustang, for I plan to keep it. Sorry for the long and boring message, but I wanted you to know where I stand so that you understand what I am looking for in setting up my mustang. I appreciate your help my Friend, and I value your advice and experience. I have been told by many car enthusiasts that you are the guy to come too if you are looking for quality.
Thank you,
Payson, AZ