Ok so the WWM got this in an email and i feel it should be shared to 1. Alert people of this fee so it is No surprise. 2. So they understand why they are charging. Here is the email. Hopefully no one is upset i copied it from the email

> The following was passed on to me and others by Jim Frost of the T-Bucket club here in Arizona. This should help ease some of the concerns about the $5.00 parking fee imposed for this Saturday.
> The reason for the fee is real simple, the rent for the parking lot & security went sky high. It is costing an extra $10,000 to put this event on! So it boils down to helping out with this kind of event by paying a few bucks or NOT HAVING A CRUISE ON Central. Personally I think $5 is cheap compared to what some of these car shows charge! Where else in this state do you have a gathering of this size that you don't have to pay $50-$100 to attend.
> Nancy decided to help us out by offering everyone who pays to park a $5 Discount Coupon for the ARIZONA SPORTSWEAR booth. So now you can save $5 on your event t-shirt!
> With everything that Nancy & Arizona Sportswear has done for us and the classic car community , lets show some support.
> I hope this helps everyone understand why the fee this year.
> Folks, keep this in mind - we must stay united in our Cruisin' efforts, and support such events as Cruisin' on Central, even if there is a fee. Trust me, it takes time and in some cases money to put these types of events on. So come on out and show your support for that Great American Past Time we call "CRUISIN" !!!