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Thread: Monsoon Madness "Firebird Raceway"

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Payson, Arizona

    Monsoon Madness "Firebird Raceway"

    Hello Copperstate Mustang Club,
    I just got home after talking to a good friend who I happend to run into in town. He drive a dragster, and we got talking about his events that he is planning to go to. He was telling me that he got a phone call yesterday from someone in the valley inviting him to run his car for show Friday the 23rd of October. He said that the weekend of 23rd, 24th, 25th, was another "funny car" show at Firebird Raceway. Is it going to be like last year with the long lines and terrible waiting? We were there over 4 hours on Friday evening, and we only got to run our cars 2 times due to the lines and waiting.
    Please don't get me wrong here, for what it is - is what it is. But speaking for our club members, we don't want to drive all the way to Firebird from Payson just to run our car a couple of times on the track.
    Again, I am not wanting to complain or cause a tiff here, I just wanted to know if this is going to be a possible replay of last year's Firebird activity.
    Firebird can do as they please, for it is their business and they are out to make a living just like the rest of us, so we have absolutely no problem with it if they plan to do the same thing. We just don't want to come down for the very limited play. We can always do another time. BUT, if I heard wrong, and things are going to be better this year, you can bet we will definitely come down and join in on the fun. We will be there Saturday for the Show, and we are looking forward to the fun, and being able to meet your members.
    Please, I apologize in advance in the event this posting causes any flames. For my intentions are soley for informtion and not complaining.

    Thank you,
    Keith Orr

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    What I was told is that Firebird will have a dedicated line for us, Dont quote me on this though. Hopefully Dave aka Jacostang will chime in here and let you know. Im glad you guys are coming to the show though :))) Look forward to meeting you also :) Trisha

  3. #3
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    for whats its worth, our event once again is the same weekend as firebird's 32 funny cars event. and i am sure they will be running thier testing that night. personally, i plan on passing on the friday night drags, as last year was a bust imo. the wait was horrid, and with so much going on in one night, and with the way firebird runs things, it just sucks the fun out of it for me. sorry to be a debbie downer, but its nothing to do with copperstate, as i LOVE everything about the club. but we have no say in what firebird will do. i plan to keep the car nice and shiney for the awesome show that will go on the next day. :)

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  4. #4
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    The schedule list a 6:30 and 8:00 funny car qualification runs.

    I am going to be there. At least the track will be well prepped.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  5. #5
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    true, there will be better prep. just not worth the long wait that we will experience. guess i have just been soured by the routinely long wait times at firebird. thier facility certainly is a top notch one, but the way us street car guys are treated is just bs imo.

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  6. #6
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    They few times I have been there this year have gone smooth.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  7. #7
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    thats good to hear. been there with other events going on, on the same weekend? serious question. thats always been the issue in my opinion. they put everything else before thier bread and butter...

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  8. #8
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZSonicSnake View Post
    thats good to hear. been there with other events going on, on the same weekend? serious question. thats always been the issue in my opinion. they put everything else before thier bread and butter...
    Same thing has happened at that other track also.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  9. #9
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    cannot argue that one....

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  10. #10
    Member HIVOLTAGE's Avatar
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    I'm planning on attending both days. I understand about the long waits but have become accustomed to that at Firechicken. But the track will be WELL prepped which is a huge bonus. Plus I haven't attended an event with this club yet as I am still somewhat new here.

    We have a link about this event posted on our website as well. I'm president of the Arizona Lightning Owners Club. Don't know if the Lightnings would be welcome to tag along or not and if it's a problem then I'll bring the Shelby GT500 out instead. But I'm hopeful some of our club members will want to attend if they're welcome??

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