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Thread: Whatsa' heat exchanger

  1. #1
    Member Cloud 9's Avatar
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    Whatsa' heat exchanger

    What is a heat exchanger? I know it is like a radiator right? On my 03' (bought second hand) it looks like I have two radiators one in the regular position behind the floating horse emblem, then there is another down low like between the fog lights. Is this a heat exchanger or something else?

    Also, why would I need a heat exchanger? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud 9 View Post
    What is a heat exchanger? I know it is like a radiator right? On my 03' (bought second hand) it looks like I have two radiators one in the regular position behind the floating horse emblem, then there is another down low like between the fog lights. Is this a heat exchanger or something else?

    Also, why would I need a heat exchanger? Thanks.
    That is a Heat Exchanger and it's basically a radiator for the intercooler on your car. In an Air to water intercooler setup as found on your car, it is refered to as a Heat exchanger. In an Air to Air setup, as found in most turbo and centrifical supercharger setups, the discharge air passes through an intercooler which is typically mounted in the same spot, before entering the throttle body. They both serve the same purpose, which is to cool the incoming air. The main difference is one circulates coolant through it and the other lets the intake air charge pass through it.

  3. #3
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud 9 View Post
    What is a heat exchanger? I know it is like a radiator right? On my 03' (bought second hand) it looks like I have two radiators one in the regular position behind the floating horse emblem, then there is another down low like between the fog lights. Is this a heat exchanger or something else?

    Also, why would I need a heat exchanger? Thanks.
    The small one down low is the heat exchanger.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Ratt Fink's Avatar
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    Cloud 9, a lot of folks upgrade the original HE with an aftermarket one that is larger and offers more cooling, and increases water capacity some as well. Anything that you can do to help coole the intercooler water will really help when it comes to performance under boost.
    '03 Sonic Blue Cobra
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  5. #5
    Member Cloud 9's Avatar
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    Okay thanks. I was a little confused cause I got my 03 second hand and thought maybe someone had already put one in, but now I get it.

    Thanks for the info.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud 9 View Post
    Okay thanks. I was a little confused cause I got my 03 second hand and thought maybe someone had already put one in, but now I get it.

    Thanks for the info.
    If it has a bare aluminum finish, it has been changed. The stock ones are black.

  7. #7
    Member Cloud 9's Avatar
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    Yea mine is black. Can you tell much differance with an aftermarket one? That is one HOT engine. I have never had a car that put off so much heat! I am not running hot or anything, it is just alot of heat.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud 9 View Post
    Yea mine is black. Can you tell much differance with an aftermarket one? That is one HOT engine. I have never had a car that put off so much heat! I am not running hot or anything, it is just alot of heat.
    You will notice a difference especially if your car is street driven. It does not cool the engine, it helps cool the inlet air to the engine.

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