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Thread: Wild West Tech Day pics & review

  1. #1
    Senior Member FalconGTHO's Avatar
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    Wild West Tech Day pics & vid review

    Left to right, a new, young, male member whos name I dont know/remember, yet, Austins 69 Grande, Tylers 10 Kona Blue Shelby, Wades 08 GT.

    Up front, Roxys 06, V6 vert. She also has a 65 coupe a "rolling resto mod" work in progress.

    Adding my GO to the mix, which I discovered after the move was splashed with "barnyard spew" from the neighbors livestock. Wtf? I had just washed the GO (AHgain) two days before because I forgot about rain droppings when I opened the garage door two diff times after a storm. This after NOT having drove it since the LAST time I washed it 2? months ago as well as making a U turn and driving the long way out of the neighborhood on the way to the shop so I could avoid a neighbors car wash water in the street gutter. So, I had to wash AHgain when I got home IN the sun, which Ive NEVER done with the GO and HATE to do anyway. But, I had additional plans that night so I had to get clean. Those plans, however, were quashed with the threat of rain, which actually did occur at the cruise in location I was planning to go to. But, while at the shop I did get the "scuff mark" I acquired on the way back from Knotts in Apr buffed out.

    One of Joes customers, who sadly, is sellling the 65 in favor of keeping his Camaro. Blegh.

    In the shop:

    Club member Rich Gs 65 A code GT fastback in progress. His "regular" show/cruise in car is a 67? Cougar.

    A customers (who came in while we were there to check on progress) car a week from completion.

    A completed customers car? El Cadimino?

    Club treasurer Georgies 96 Wild Plum? GT getting oil and front brakes. A one year only color.

    Mr Reitz himself, with his 40 years of experience, educating Austin.

    Joe edifying Wade, Tyler and the new boy about spray tinting lenses and lights.

    Rich bench grinding a roll bar cross mount for his 65.

    Rich again, chop sawing said cross bar.

    One of Joes boys, Travis, Miging on Richs roll bar.

    Out in the yard:

    Last edited by FalconGTHO; 09-21-09 at 02:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member FalconGTHO's Avatar
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    And a brief vid of Joe at work:

    Reitz Restorations - Car Videos on StreetFire

  3. #3
    Shoot! I am a lil late, but great pics! i got some with Georgie's camera too!

  4. #4
    Senior Member maddme's Avatar
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    These are great pictures. Wish I could have been there.
    2007 Mustang GT/CS - 20 inch Custom Boyd Coddingtons, BFG KDW, Ford Racing air intake, x-pipe, pro cal tune, JBA axel backs.

  5. #5
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    wow, looks like an awesome event! wish i coulda made it out.

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