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Thread: Today is 9/11 Let's take a moment and remember

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    Today is 9/11 Let's take a moment and remember

    I thought I'd start this thread, to remember that awful day, maybe you would like to share your memories.

    I woke up that morning 8 years ago and as I do every morning, fixed a cup of coffee and turned on the TV. The first thing I saw was the live feed of the towers and the smoke coming from one of them. The newscaster was saying that they believed a small plane had collided with the world trade center tower. So as I'm sitting there, drinking my coffee and watching, I saw the second plane as it came in from the right side of the screen and went into the second tower, as I sat stunned, all I could think was "What the hell is going on, and that wasn't no small plane", the newscaster expressed the same thought.

    As I continued to watch, the news now correcting their earlier report of a small plane crash, showed the second hit again, this time from one of the news copters covering the event. This is the image that will forever be embedded in my memory, as i watched you could see stuff come flying out of the building, and then I saw it, clearly people plummeting to the ground, my God, people being thrown from the explosion and falling to the ground. CNN never replayed that camera shot, in fact I never saw it again until 2 years ago when I was watching a documentary on the history channel about 9/11. That is the most horrible thing I have ever seen and even as I write this, the tears well up in my eyes.

    It's been 8 years, but I remember it like it was yesterday, and I hope that I never see anything like it again!
    Last edited by Rev'n Kevin; 09-11-09 at 11:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member WildBill's Avatar
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    8yrs bubba

    TorchRed 2003 MACH1 (Louise)
    "I remember my fallen brothers so that they may live on."

  3. #3
    Member 97desertCobra's Avatar
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    "As we watched the sky scrappers drip and melt away, and in those drops you can hear them say: this is the instant, let this nation unleash its wrath!"

    Never forget.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member WildBill's Avatar
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    All I'll say for today is: NEVER FORGET!

    TorchRed 2003 MACH1 (Louise)
    "I remember my fallen brothers so that they may live on."

  5. #5
    Senior Member Casey39er's Avatar
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    I remember that horrible day and I for one "WILL NEVER FORGET"

    And then I have to hear on the news that "Deeply Disturbed" people like Charlie Sheen want, or I should I say, demand an audience with President Obama to talk about the "Conspiracy Theory" that the U.S. Government planned and executed the 9 -11 attacks.

    These morally bankrupt people with their totally unfounded charges only seek to weaken this great country and make us vulnerable to future attacks. They also seek to cheapen the memories of those poor lost souls that perished in the attacks.

    We should all take some time every year on this day to remember those lost in the attacks and the first responders that perished carrying out their selfless duty to save the lives of their fellow man. We should also pray for those left behind who lost a loved one. I am sure this is a day they will never forget.

    And please do not forget to pray for our Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, and Marines, who are deployed. They risk it all daily keeping the fight over there and keeping the cowardly terrorists on the run and in hiding so they will not have the means to plan and or perpetrate another attack on U.S. soil.

    "Peace Through Strength" " God Bless America"

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  6. #6
    Senior Member wickedcobra's Avatar
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  7. #7
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    I was driving to work and listening to a morning talk/comedy show where they usually do phone pranks, etc. When they first reported it, I thought it was a joke since they were being so dramatic about it. I got to work and people were talking about it, and one of the managers had a little 13" TV in his office. Maybe 50 people crammed in this office and watched the coverage for hours that day. I specifically remember that we had a new head supervisor, from Canada, and he kept telling us all day to "go back to work". The next day we had a little company moment of silence out by the flagpole and he did not attend. I'll never forget that.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueoval View Post
    I was driving to work and listening to a morning talk/comedy show where they usually do phone pranks, etc. When they first reported it, I thought it was a joke since they were being so dramatic about it. I got to work and people were talking about it, and one of the managers had a little 13" TV in his office. Maybe 50 people crammed in this office and watched the coverage for hours that day. I specifically remember that we had a new head supervisor, from Canada, and he kept telling us all day to "go back to work". The next day we had a little company moment of silence out by the flagpole and he did not attend. I'll never forget that.
    Tell him his green card is expired.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    I remember coming back from a call, when I got back in the Ambo after getting a drink my partner said an airplane hit the WTC... As we got closer to our station the we went in to Fire Station 261 and cold not believe it as we watched the second plane hit... My brothers shop is just a few miles away from Shanksville and he said the F-18's scrambled out of Latrobe and were screaming off...

    I dont know about making it a national "holiday" but In my opion all thisngs should be shut down on this day so that everyone remembers how many people were murdered on this day.. Plain and simple, living their lives providing for their families and did not go home that night.. How many children came home from school that day only to find out that what they had lost...
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

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