View Poll Results: Whay do you think about the exhuast idea?

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  • Would be cool!

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  • I wouldnt do it!

    2 28.57%
  • Id have to see it to really have an opinion.

    1 14.29%
  • Its your car make it your own.

    4 57.14%
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Thread: Got an Exhaust question/opinion

  1. #1
    Senior Member JoeT's Avatar
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    Got an Exhaust question/opinion

    I would like some opinions regarding my 72 Mach 1 and doing something different with the exhaust. I had all my exhaust replaced with 2.5 inch Flow-master 40 series. Because I'm in the process of redoing suspension and I will be replacing the leaf spring we only went with the old school turn downs. We wanted to keep exhaust out of the way for the guys doing the rear leafs.

    Anyway my question is this, I know everyone that has this type of Mustang would normally go with the straight out exhaust or even go for the rear valance with cut out to fit the tips through. However, what Im thinking of doing is custom fitting exhaust tips like the Old Trans Ams have.

    This video from youtube will let you see the exhaust tips
    (This is only an example of the exhaust tips not that I give a crap about whomever is selling this car, I don't even know the person!)


    I like being different and these tips would always be easily changed for any reason, I also know placement is everything with how this looks. I just dont like the straight out look and I dont want to change my original rear valance to a repro valance with cut outs.

    So what do you guys/gals think?
    Last edited by JoeT; 09-03-09 at 01:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    look in my garage and se what you think about my exhaust tips. they come out the sides at an angle. And IMHO!!!! Dont go with the Flowmaster. when you rev them up to **** Rpms the baffles or something inside like to rattle. Flowmaster even own up to it and they say it makes it unique. (maybe your thing) But like i said IMHO. I too wanted to be different thats why i made my own side pipes. hooker headers. i am running cherry bomb. NOT glass packs. they make mufflers now too and i have the pro series. When i get home ill take a video of what my car sounds like.

  3. #3
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    My flowmasters sound great.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  4. #4
    Senior Member JoeT's Avatar
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    Ya I'm a lifetime Flowmaster guy myself. I was just toying with the idea of the split tips. I can see in my mind what they would look like and think it would look pretty good, but thought Id throw it by the crew. Rather have a laugh or 2 now than to have ya laugh at me after I did it. In reality it only costs me about 150 bucks to change it out if I didn't like it. But as I mentioned the tips have to be placed correctly or it would look stupid. you wanna only see some of the tips hanging down not the whole thing.

    Since I have a 80 Trans Am and have those tips on my TA I think they look good on it. Just was wanting to do something different.
    Last edited by JoeT; 09-03-09 at 10:52 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    More power to ya to do something different. i like them. I say try it!

  6. #6
    Senior Member JoeT's Avatar
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    Guess I watch Chip Foose to much and always think about doing some things odd, but only if it is something you can change back easily.

    Wrecks to Riches on Discovery Channel gets me going to.

  7. #7
    Member White90GT's Avatar
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    It's your vehicle I wouldn't run a muffler designed around a particular sound (unless that is what you're looking for), I would run one based on performance.

  8. #8
    Senior Member JoeT's Avatar
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    Flowmaster 40 series mufflers and 2.5 inch tubes has dramatically increased performance in my Mach. I guess the stock 1.5 tubes and old style turbo mufflers would restrict breathing. Ya think?!

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