Help! I have a 2007 Mustang GT with a Saleen Supercharger. It has been on for over 1 year now. I am really concerned and could use some help please.
My car didn't do this right after the installation. But for a while now, when I first start up my car after it has sat over night or for some hours, It starts right up and idles great. But if I want to drive off immediately after starting the car, I get hesitation. Best way to describe it is that it is like earlier cars with carbs and chokes. It acts like it is choking. Until it warms up, I have hesitation in low rpms. On my way to work, without taking time to warm up, every stop sign or stop light I start out from I get hesitation like the car wants to die. I can feather the pedal to get it going and after I get the rpms up it runs fine. And after it warms up, the car runs excellent. Have you ever of this issue. Is there something I can check or do with my hand programmer, (SCT II), to eliminate this hesitation? It did not do this right after the installation, but started some time back and is very noticable now. It does not matter if it is winter or summer weather. And it only does it when the car has been sitting for some hours or over night. The car starts right up without any issues, and if I let it run for a while and warm up, it runs perfectly.
Can you help me? I don't want to loose my engine.

Concerned in Arizona,
Keith Orr