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Thread: pavillions last night

  1. #1
    Senior Member ttocs's Avatar
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    pavillions last night

    had a great time admiring all the great cars last night and getting to know a few more people. I hope to get my car out there after it is running at least one time before I move to show it off.

    I know there was a little bit of contraversey about our show flyers that got some people upset. It occured to me last night that maybe the best way to go about it would be to include them as a part of our show. The awards ceramony says it takes place at 4 and I know alot of people would be tired after a weekend of activities but I think it would be cool to get everyone fro the show and club to cruz over and take over the pavs? Maybe we could have them section an area off for us and then this way they would be included and get some of the baddest stangs in the state as well as our business.

    I hope I am not pouring salt into an open wound, it was not my intention. I was hoping that after sleeping on it cooler heads had prevailed and maybe we can find a way to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. I was really trying to figure out a way that everyone could be happy and it would look cool to have everyone come over at once in a convoy and take over the place since we would all have our cars shined up to show.

  2. #2
    Member izzie's Avatar
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    I was here at 5pm, try to introduce myself. But I feel like a hair on the soup.

    2006 GT Red Torch Exhaust SLP Loudmouth

  3. #3
    Senior Member ttocs's Avatar
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    we talked for a bit, I had the long goatee and the torn mustang hat. I thought you knew more people then me as I am not around all that much either since my car has been down for over a year. There was alot going on last night and I noticed that I was all over the lot checking out cars and talking to people. It really didn't get going till 8 and then the lot was full. I will be making the long trip from gilbert in another week or two for kicks and will be bringin my dog, she like rides. Don't let last night scare ya.....

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    The thing is with them.... Our flyers have Berge Ford on them and they dont like that or any other dealer than 5 Star Ford as they pay them(McDonalds $100 to be the exclusive Ford dealer at Pavillions) and also anything that competes with this car show, so any Saturday event they will not let you pass out flyers, we still did and I will still hand them out to any of our members or members of other Mustang Clubs who want them..

    It is getting rediculous there, this is supposed to be a meet for car people but I guess that $100 is very important to them. I went back and talked with that guy with Nick and told him that we were planning on cruising up after the show but he is basically the biggest A-Hole in the world, that is why they call him the Parking Lot Nazi because that is how he acts... Nazi fits him to a T.

    Izzie I did not see you last night but I did not get there until about 6pm...
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  5. #5
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Ahh I see things never change at the Pavilions. LOL
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by izzie View Post
    I was here at 5pm, try to introduce myself. But I feel like a hair on the soup.
    i Never saw you! should have come talked to me!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by izzie View Post
    I was here at 5pm, try to introduce myself. But I feel like a hair on the soup.
    I didnt see you out there!!! where did you park at?
    I dont doubt that many people feel like hair on soup out there. I think i go out to the Pavs once a year. and sometimes thats once too many. Not as chill or friendly out there as I am use to. (except the mustang folk. they are social/heard creatures!)

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    It's very sad, we have been handing out flyers for years without any issues until last night. We have contribute thousands of dollars to the thanksgiving food drive and this is how we are treated. I did not give the guy that nick name but who ever did hit the nail on the head with that one. I wonder how many other Camaro or Corvette or any other group does that every year.. I can tell you this.. We are NOT doing it this year, we will give that money to the East and West valley food banks instead.

    I am a very easy going guy but I will not sit by and take the abuse that he handed out last night. Going away doesn't do anything, we are just going to do out thing out there and wear our Berge Ford Shirts and see if we get tossed for wearing a competitor T-Shirt.

    We will unite against the man! Wild West Guys and Gals come out and wear Sanderson Shirts that would be very cool!!!!!
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    I am a very easy going guy but I will not sit by and take the abuse that he handed out last night. Going away doesn't do anything, we are just going to do out thing out there and wear our Berge Ford Shirts and see if we get tossed for wearing a competitor T-Shirt.

    We will unite against the man! Wild West Guys and Gals come out and wear Sanderson Shirts that would be very cool!!!!!
    hee hee hee...Can do! you do that voodoo YOU do so well!

    hand out those fliers! I would also encourage you guys to any club banner out that you may have.... make sure your sponsors name is on there too! promote that club!

  10. #10
    Senior Member ttocs's Avatar
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    well then I say we make a statement after the show awards and go for a cruise..... Right in the pavs and then right back out. Just long enough to make a looooooong slow lap, rev our engines and then make everyone wonder where did all those bad lookin stangs go and why? We could make up some cool lookin copper state/berge windshield/window decals, it would be great advertising for them and maybe even a fund raiser at the show?

    I think it would be fun just because the show organizer is sure to get some questions, if not all night long. He didn't seem to like to answer questions......

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