had a great time admiring all the great cars last night and getting to know a few more people. I hope to get my car out there after it is running at least one time before I move to show it off.
I know there was a little bit of contraverseyabout our show flyers that got some people upset. It occured to me last night that maybe the best way to go about it would be to include them as a part of our show. The awards ceramony says it takes place at 4 and I know alot of people would be tired after a weekend of activities but I think it would be cool to get everyone fro the show and club to cruz over and take over the pavs? Maybe we could have them section an area off for us and then this way they would be included and get some of the baddest stangs in the state as well as our business.
I hope I am not pouring salt into an open wound, it was not my intention. I was hoping that after sleeping on it cooler heads had prevailed and maybe we can find a way to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. I was really trying to figure out a way that everyone could be happy and it would look cool to have everyone come over at once in a convoy and take over the place since we would all have our cars shined up to show.