1973 Mustang Convertible Triplicity

Gregg Montgomery's '73 Convertible Is Low-Mileage, Late Production, And Uniquely OptionedMention Ford performance around Dayton, Ohio, and most likely you will hear the name of NHRA legend "Ohio" George Montgomery. Memories of his famous '67 Mr. Gasket Mustang Funny Car and Ford-powered '32 Willys Gasser come to mind.inline_mediumwraptextright24967904/featuredvehicles/mump_0909_1973_mustang_convertiblemump_0909_01_+19 73_mustang_convertible+front_view.jpgTrue

Photo Gallery: 1973 Mustang Convertible - Mustang Monthly Magazine

Photo Gallery: 1973 Mustang Convertible - Mustang Monthly Magazine

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