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Thread: Anyone up for a cruise to Prescott Sunday the 9th.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    Anchorage, Alaska
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    Anyone up for a cruise to Prescott Sunday the 9th.

    First let me say this is NOT any club event, this is me just bored and wanting to go for a cruise. I'm going up to Prescott on Sunday the 9th., there is a car show going on, so I thought it would be cool to cruise up early, then check out the show and back in the afternoon. Here's the info on the show. Let me know if you want to cruise up there together, I'm leaving early, or if you want to meet up along the way or at the show.

    Here's the info I got on the show.....

    On Sunday August 9th at 11am, The Heights church will be having a carnival with a car show. I am directing the show. I need about 25-30 cars of any type. Please email or call me ASAP if you are interested. This is a free show to entrants. I just need to know whether to expect you. If you are coming please arrive around 8:30am.

    Anthony Horn

    Show starts at 11am at 2121 Larry Caldwell Dr.
    Prescott, AZ
    Heights Church

  2. #2
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    Anchorage, Alaska
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    Last chance, the high tomorrow in Prescott is 78 so I'm at least gonna get out of this heat for one day. Let me know if anyone is going, if not, see ya later.

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