Quote Originally Posted by WildBill@PSR View Post
Why must you insist on being so trying?
How many seasons of following a racing circuit and also making other races between the circuit races have you done?
I had a MityMite2 C-4 that was built by Dynamic Transmissions that I ran for 2 1/2 seasons and NEVER took it down. EVERY single trip down the track was off the transbrake. I drove it on the street all the time to car meets and races in Mexico. ANd that was on a heavy ass car. He has a FOX!

I speak from DIRECT EXPERIENCE!!!!!!
Not my friends
Not from the internet.
LOL you spend more time on the internet than anyone I know.

I gave 331 the pros and cons of both trannys end of story. I have real experience with a TH-400.

Seems like you are too uptight.
Time to book your trip on

for some much needed R&R for Wild Bill.