rrobello - 05 GT
frink84 - 88 lx
frinksmom - 86 gt
inaroush - 99 roush
eldyj - 69 Mach I
sam - 92 Foxbody
1970 GT350
slingblade - 04 Cobra
RG's429 - 73 Mach 1
67 GT500
2 1st Gen stangs
Hendrix - 05 GT
69 Mach 1
sdsubzero4 - 02 GT Convertible
fighting sailor - 07 Shelby GT
lowlow - 00 GT
0neSikNotch - 03 Cobra (?)
Henry - 08 Shelby GT
Frank - Mustang GT
Agent 47 - SN95 American Iron Race Car

and this is just the cars in the main area.....the show will also contain many more vintage cars of all makes and models.