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Thread: 331coup donations

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  1. #1
    Senior Member DVSRICK's Avatar
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    Phoenix , AZ

    Unhappy 331coupe donations

    A good friend of mine is going through a very hard time right now. His name is Mike aka 331coupe here on hps. Some of you meet him when he came down from Bagdad,az to race at speedworld. Here is his story told on a local fox body forum that I have cut and pasted from the tread................Mike 331coupe posted.................its been awhile since ive been on things in my life have gotten pretty bad my 5 year old sons tongue started to swell so i took him to phoenix children hospital they did some test and said he had a tumor so they did surgery when they got in their they noticed it was cancerso they sent it out for test and it came back as poorly differentiated carcinoma which is a vague name for cancer their has only been 20 casesreported,all in adults and there is no cure and it grows very fast they gave my son 2 months to 2 years talk about wrecking your world it sucks you spend your life trying to protect your child and with this cancer you feel hopeless keep us in your thoughts and prayers............Hey guys, lets try and send anything we can to Mike. I know the economy is poop, and a lot of us are out of work. Send him $5 if you can. Just the fact that people will send anything gives a feeling that is priceless in times like this. This is what clubs like this are for. We help each other out when we need to.Lets all band together and try and help his family out. Here is the Paypal addy for those who would like to
    Last edited by DVSRICK; 06-24-09 at 02:42 AM.

    93 FOX

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    If you come to the Ice Cream Social this weekend we can pass the hat and I will make a motion to donate the 50/50 to him and his family.... Maybe some more info for us but Copperstate will be glad to help his and his family out!!

    I personally will start it off this weekend with $50.. Anyone can match or raise me!!!!!!!!!!

    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  3. #3
    Senior Member DVSRICK's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    Phoenix , AZ
    Thanks dave and yes i will be out at the social this saturday.

    93 FOX

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