I pressed the bearing on at work. You can get it pressed on for free most times if you ask.
I pressed the bearing on at work. You can get it pressed on for free most times if you ask.
Steel City Terminators
'04 Black Cobra
663RWHP / 665RWTQ
I did mine at centerforce, no shim needed. I also used a liberty Gear unit. Bob Cosby, (his name is pretty well known in the modular world) told us just to toss it in with no adjustment needed LOL! So we did and its perfect. My unit already had the bearing installed. I know of 10 people that have tossed in the Liberty unit on modfords without checking endplay, broke7 for one.
I understand most people don't need a new shim, but it seems like a few do.
This guy did.
And if good old Ratt Fink says something I listen. LOL
I just don't like doing extra work so I will check it while it is out.
Last edited by BurnTire; 08-10-06 at 12:11 PM.