ok thanks! i will be in the garage in the mornind and if i can get a trailer i will bring the car by :)
ok thanks! i will be in the garage in the mornind and if i can get a trailer i will bring the car by :)
Sounds like a major vacumm leak somewhere. Why are you using a 1" spacer under the carb?
Ya know someone else told me that and i looked at every inch of the carb and could not find a leak. now that 2 people have said the same thing it prolly is i just dont know where. ill take some pics and post um and see if u gents can see anything. and i put a 1 inch because it was on sale and it give the car more torq and volume.. should i not be?
Dude............................ If that's the reason. pull that thing off.... Spacers are only for applications where you need clearance and have to adapt a particular carb to a different manifold, like spreadbore carbs to non-spreadbore manifold.
Like Bill said said spray something flamable like carb cleaner or something.....NOT GAS. around the manifold intake and any hose hook-up point. Make sure no hoses have cracks. Check intake to head areas for leaks. Do you have pwr brakes?