I've been riding and racing bikes for over 35 years and used to have favorite brands. I was always into Kawi's. Even today I could still work on some of the earlier big bore models blindfolded. I've owned Kawi's, Yam's. Susi's, and HD's After a while you'll realize all bikes are great no matter what brand. All metric bikes will outlast you longer then you'll own it.

Test ride a few, each brand has different charactistics(sp). Don't worry about the brand, worry more about handling, comfort, and looks.

Is this your first bike..?...if so, I would go any bigger then a 600 right now. Todays 600's ara like yesterday's 1000's.

I'm not sure what brand makes these, but if I was going to buy a crotch rocket, I'd be looking for one that has the exhaust running up thru the frame and out under the rear cowl. They not only look bad, it has to help the balance of the bike. Nothing looks odder then a massive canister hanging off one side.

Good luck....