true. FYI this event is moved to next weekend :D Ill be there for sure!
true. FYI this event is moved to next weekend :D Ill be there for sure!
i am going to try like heck to be there.
well i and four other cars were at the normal show at 83rd and deer vally. one guy pulled up in an old suburb. and he said he came from there and that it was happening but it had been moved to next weekend. either way. i think i will cruise out there sounds like fun
Sweet cant wait to see that car! you want to meet up with me? I have almost no idea where i am going and as far as i kno your the on in vistancia right? im on 83rd and deer vally. right behind that fry's.
I just read this in the movie night forum. second time i have heard the news.
Movie Night date...changed!
Fast and Furious movie night has been changed to april 25th...gates open for us at 5:30pm.
why? Because of the rain today, it forced the cruise on central to move to next weekend (our weekend).
i apologize change and if this is a problem...
Last edited by Mr. Austin; 04-13-09 at 11:39 AM. Reason: More info
I was there at 5. It rain for about 30 minutes. Cleared up and people started to show up. It was a small group, but some nice cars and nice people. Next weekend is going to be great with good weather i hope.
I live right around the corner at Pinnacle Peak.Sure we can meat. I plan on going for a few hours then go home and clean car for PFFC car show Sunday the 19th at Peoria Sports Complex 8-3 around 400 vehicles.
Last edited by DSALEEN; 04-14-09 at 10:49 AM. Reason: spelling
ooo when is regisrtration due for that? i was going to go!Time you wanna meet on saturday?
not sure go to forums. and then go to car shows.I put the guys name there. how about 2 oclock at Starbucks 0n 35 and Pinnacle Peak.Anybody else wants to go meat there by no later than 230.thx Darin