"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
Congress telling Detroit how to run auto companies is a joke.
Grrrrrr dont get me started!
When your company has it's hands out, begging for money, you've opened the door for whoever provides that money to have some say in your business. This is true whether that money is coming from a bank, investors, or the government cheese. If you don't like it, don't borrow the money.
If someone owns a business that is failing and has poor leadership and is getting ready to lay-off thousands of Americans and they ask me to bail their ass out... believe me, their top brass be the first to go and i'll be hiring people that can make a profit.
Congress is not going to run any business, you need to quit listening to Rush...
Last edited by HIKER; 04-03-09 at 04:24 PM.
You maintain your thoughts and I'll maintain mine. I didnt come on this site to debate politics.
....atleast the dmv will be creating new jobs 10-3 monday - thursday = ) hahahahahaha
I smacked my head into the handle bar the handle, bars, the handle bars.....