Hi, I just found the site but look forward to hanging around and if there is an interest, post my new home videos. I have in-car movies of myself driving my Terminator and other guys I turn my camera's on. Remember I am strickly low tech and only do this as a hobby, I think I like driving my cobra a whole lot better. LMK what you think, pass along the link to fellow car nuts and if you need a movie hosted, I'm pretty easy to get in touch with.
go here: 04snake.com/movies.htm
...give it a couple minutes to load and knock yourself out!
New original live NHRA multi-camera videos plus lots of new 06 Stang footage and everything else you might see or want to see at the track!![]()
Sorry no street racing , plenty of sites where that stuff rules.
And if you get cross-eyed looking at all the movies, take a break to see what the heck I am still messing with on my 04SNAKE and jump over to my 04snake.com home page ..or don't, up to you
- stu at 04snake.com