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Thread: WTB: Ammo

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    look for an online site. they can give you or "redirect" you to a local store who could help you

  2. #2
    Senior Member IMSHAKN's Avatar
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    Why has the cost of ammo been going up lately and why are some rounds becoming harder to find? I have not had to buy any in a while and am curious.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by IMSHAKN View Post
    Why has the cost of ammo been going up lately and why are some rounds becoming harder to find? I have not had to buy any in a while and am curious.
    I think it has something to do with that election thing we had back in November. I guess the guy that won has the most anti-2nd Amendment views of any President, and comes from the biggest anti-gun state in the country. In an interview when he was running for his former Senate seat, he said he does not believe in private gun ownership. Perhaps this is causing the "hysteria".

    Sarcasm intended. From the point of view of a gun owning happy-to-be former IL resident.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Gene's Avatar
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    Marshall law anyone?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Gene View Post
    Marshall law anyone?
    That alone will give anyone nightmares. I was hearing somthing about how FEMA can pull that B.S.

  6. #6
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueoval View Post
    I think it has something to do with that election thing we had back in November. I guess the guy that won has the most anti-2nd Amendment views of any President, and comes from the biggest anti-gun state in the country. In an interview when he was running for his former Senate seat, he said he does not believe in private gun ownership. Perhaps this is causing the "hysteria".

    Sarcasm intended. From the point of view of a gun owning happy-to-be former IL resident.
    I'm a gun owner and he did not say it like that.. He was for a ban in Ill and also said each state should dictate their own laws.

    • Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
    • FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
    • Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
    • Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
    • 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
    • Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
    • Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
    • Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
    • Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
    • Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
    • Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    This should look familiar to you, as you basically did a cut&paste from it.

    As a gun owner, those things should bother you! He endorsed a handgun ban in Illinois. What makes you think he doesn't endorse a handgun ban in the entire country? If he really respects 2A, why does he say he respects local gun bans? Then he must not truly respect it, if any locality has the ability to ban guns!

    And actually he did say it like that. You can try to make yourself feel better for voting for him, but the fact is that he is the most anti-gun Prez in our history.

    Look up an interview in '02 when he ran for US Senate v/ Alan Keyes. I have to get to work, but the jist of it is that he came out and said he does not favor private ownership of guns, that police and the National Guard should be the only ones. check it out.
    Last edited by blueoval; 03-21-09 at 10:57 AM.

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