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Thread: Our Economy Now Effects Our Children's Future....

  1. #1
    Senior Member princessturtle's Avatar
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    Our Economy Now Affects Our Children's Future....

    Last edited by princessturtle; 02-04-09 at 06:51 PM.

  2. #2
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    When I was a kid kindergarden was just like 2 hours, and I was a honor student thru out my elementry and got a's and b's thru out high school. Dont know what the big deal is. Kids should be kids at that age.
    04' F150 Supercrew

  3. #3
    Member White90GT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by princessturtle View Post
    State Deficient makes schools and law makers question whether full day kinder (7.5 hours) is worth it given the falling economy. They want to move it to half day kinder (more or less 3 hours) or give the choice of charging parents to keep kids in full time.
    When my oldest daughter was in Kindergarten, it was $200.00 / month out here in Mesa. First time I had ever heard of paying for Kindergarten.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by White90GT View Post
    I do agree though, we're definitely setting our kids up to be dumber than a box of pubic hairs.
    True, but dont you think parents should also teach their kids? Parents these days cant even teach their own kids manners or how to behave or even have some respect for others or even material things.
    04' F150 Supercrew

  5. #5
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThePunisher95 View Post
    True, but dont you think parents should also teach their kids? Parents these days cant even teach their own kids manners or how to behave or even have some respect for others or even material things.
    You hit the problem right on the head.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  6. #6
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    Kindergarten was always a 1.2 deal when I was a kid.

    It's basically state run day care...

  7. #7
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    Thats what I think. Parents need to stop blaming the schools or the government for things that should of been thought at home.
    04' F150 Supercrew

  8. #8
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HIKER View Post
    Kindergarten was always a 1.2 deal when I was a kid.

    It's basically state run day care...
    1/2 day when I was there and I came out ok.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  9. #9
    Senior Member princessturtle's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by princessturtle View Post
    Half day might have been what you were exposed to, but how much did your parents teach you?

    My kids came in and 95% of them knew absolutely nada. They didn't know letter names, sounds, the names (verbal) of colors or even how to count to 5. **** even knowing how to hold a pencil or color! They’ve never heard of washing their hands, flushing the toilet, covering their mouth. How about pee in a toilet??? LMAO. Most are allowed to hit and beat up their siblings at home without consequence. They don't listen; they don't even know how to sit in a chair for a full minute! There are absolutely no morals taught to these kids and parents could care less about it. Shit, half the parents will turn their back when it's found that the child isn't doing well in school due to behavior.

    By second grade, they are required to start testing for AIMS which will now test in ALL subject areas, not just math and reading. The standards and expectations won't go down just because the kids are essentially missing out on at least half of a year of school.

    You say you turned out fine? What is fine to you? Honor roll means nothing. Neither does A's and B's since expectations have changed and more is required. Do you have a degree? What about the people you went to school with? What percentage dropped out or only got a HS diploma? While that may be fine for some, you are now making it more common to see drop outs (since they can't pass the AIMS) and those that sit in low end jobs and live off of welfare.

    What type of area did you grow up in? Underprivileged? Since this will most affect that population... was your first language English? Since that will also be affected. What about how much you learned from your parents? Morals and academia... what percentage of members of gangs and those that commit crimes (drug dealers, theft, etc) are..... People that grew up in underprivileged areas..... Second language English speakers...... didn't graduate HS or only graduated HS.... Let's take a guess here...

    1/2 day kinder is ONLY day care. ya. But I can guarantee you that if you walk into my or any other kinder classroom in my school/district, we do NOT look anything like a day care. if you want proof, I’ll choose 5, 10, or even all of my kids' work that they did today in writing alone and post it. My kids can write complete sentences and at least 2 sentences on one thing. They are reading simple books. Books with at LEAST 15 words. Not much, but for a five year old? In day care no less.... that came in knowing zero English and well, nothing else.

    I've heard countless people say that parents should no longer be held liable for their children's behaviors, but rather the teachers?!?! Who else is there if the parents won't...
    My Parents taught me that manners, respect, and hard work is the way to succeed. I could do everything that you mentioned above going into kinder.

    So you try to point the children in the right direction. Then the parents don't care.

    The Problem is with the parents.

    Fine to me was successfully reaching my career goals. The educational and technical requirements to be in my position are extremely high. All went well for only having 1/2 day of kinder.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

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