Last edited by princessturtle; 02-04-09 at 06:51 PM.
When I was a kid kindergarden was just like 2 hours, and I was a honor student thru out my elementry and got a's and b's thru out high school. Dont know what the big deal is. Kids should be kids at that age.
04' F150 Supercrew
Kindergarten was always a 1.2 deal when I was a kid.
It's basically state run day care...
Thats what I think. Parents need to stop blaming the schools or the government for things that should of been thought at home.
04' F150 Supercrew
My Parents taught me that manners, respect, and hard work is the way to succeed. I could do everything that you mentioned above going into kinder.
So you try to point the children in the right direction. Then the parents don't care.
The Problem is with the parents.
Fine to me was successfully reaching my career goals. The educational and technical requirements to be in my position are extremely high. All went well for only having 1/2 day of kinder.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5