'89 ASC/McLaren #176
'87 ASC/McLaren #134 SOLD!
'85 GT Orig Owner 27k miles
Sorry But I'm out.. Cameron's 18th B-Day!! So sorry but have fun!
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
Thanks to all who came out on such a nice night. I think we had 10 'Stangs vs. 11 PT Cruisers. The owner Fred thanked us for attending. Ford provided several sets of tickets for this weekends Firebird NHRA season opener.
A few members asked if we can do this again. There is Fredericos Mexican restaurant next door, so several of us ate there tonight and it was good. If enough are interested, maybe we can make it a Third Friday option.
'89 ASC/McLaren #176
'87 ASC/McLaren #134 SOLD!
'85 GT Orig Owner 27k miles
what a fun time! big time thanks for setting that all up mr hank. i would definetly do up a third friday there. between the two places and that good sized parking lot, we'd have alot of fun there.