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Thread: SuperBowls ref were from PA....

  1. #11
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Whatever you say. AZ Lost because the Steelers beat them.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member ASUSMC's Avatar
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    Agreed. The Steelers did win the football game. How many Steelers were on the field at one time? My guess is 11 and some Steeler fans wearing white and black hats!!!!!! (A joke in case you didn't catch the sarcasm)
    Last edited by ASUSMC; 02-02-09 at 11:32 AM.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    Dave did you really expect the half ass AZ fans to act any differently? They are only fans because AZ got somewhere. Pittsburgh Fans support the team during good and bad. If PIT lost I wouldn't be crying like a first grader.

    I am not surprised one bit by the reaction from the AZ Sissies.

    OH yea 6 rings in Pittsburgh 0 in Arizona. End of story.
    The greatest time in football history is Pittsburgh.
    a classy response from a classy steelers fan. not too shockin to me.

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  4. #14
    Senior Member OH3MGSVT's Avatar
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  5. #15
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZSonicSnake View Post
    a classy response from a classy steelers fan. not too shockin to me.
    Not quite as classy as posting the game was won because it was fixed.

    That is the ultimate display of having no class.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member Classic67's Avatar
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    LOL! I was at a game hosted by Card fans...dressed in a ref shirt, black mini and go go boots. It was hard for my 'friends' friends to hate on me. They were more upset that I won 2 out of the 4 pools of money. Call it beginners luck! ~Sarah

  7. #17
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    Not quite as classy as posting the game was won because it was fixed.

    That is the ultimate display of having no class.
    reading comprehension FTL! never said it was fixed. bad/no calls, yes. never said it was fixed. you tell me if the shoe was on the other foot that steeler nation would not be cryin wolf as well.

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  8. #18
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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    I called it last week

    win by any means necessary

    Remember good teams recognize the team they played and say it was a hell of a game. Other teams just celebrate because they know they wont be back for a long time

  9. #19
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Listen, all week long I have had crap from Cardinal Fans and let them gloat all over the place and only response form me has been we'll see, not one slam against the Cards ever but I tell you some fans here are true red good fans but the fact is season tickets are still available for Cardinals. My family have had season tickets for 41 years!!!! we all chipped in when we had to pay $2500 per ticket to transfer the seats to Heinz Field thats $2500 X 10 Tickets and we dished it out. Like I said in an earlier post, this is a tough one because I have been on the sidelines for many Cards Games Litterally Enzone Medic for over 25 games at Sun Devel Stadium and watched them get beat a bunch and still root for them. The Steelers have done it all the time with no big name players, that is until they win... And they do that well now but that was not the case many years ago.....Also remember where most of the coaches came from.....
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  10. #20
    Senior Member ASUSMC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    Listen, all week long I have had crap from Cardinal Fans and let them gloat all over the place and only response form me has been we'll see, not one slam against the Cards ever but I tell you some fans here are true red good fans but the fact is season tickets are still available for Cardinals. My family have had season tickets for 41 years!!!! we all chipped in when we had to pay $2500 per ticket to transfer the seats to Heinz Field thats $2500 X 10 Tickets and we dished it out. Like I said in an earlier post, this is a tough one because I have been on the sidelines for many Cards Games Litterally Enzone Medic for over 25 games at Sun Devel Stadium and watched them get beat a bunch and still root for them. The Steelers have done it all the time with no big name players, that is until they win... And they do that well now but that was not the case many years ago.....Also remember where most of the coaches came from.....

    I didn't say anything about the Steelers themselves. Just that the refereeing seemed rather one sided for most of the game. If I could afford season tickets I would get them but $750 at one time is pretty steep for even upper level seats for a 22 year old. I really wish I could afford them but I can't. Only was able to go to one game this year due to finances as well.

    Only a couple coaches came from the Pittsburgh staff.
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