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Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup June 18th-21st 2009
Thought I would get this thread started, 5 months from now will be here before you know it!
2009 Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup June 18th-21st - Definitely one of the "MUST" shows of the year!
Scenic Mountain Tour - Thursday, June 18th
The Roundup kicks off with a challenging tour of the beautiful countryside surrounding Steamboat Springs.
This will not be a speed event. There is no cost to participate. However, sign up is necessary on the registration form. Prizes will be awarded (this year will run a similar course as previous years but will incorporate the game
of 21, black jack vs poker run).
Autocross - Friday, June 19th
The autocross will be held at the Tennis Meadows parking lot. There will be two sessions of the autocross (morning and afternoon). There is a limit of 225 drivers and there will not be a waiting list for the autocross.
Each driver will complete three (3) timed runs. Autocross trophies will be awarded Saturday at noon at the Show n' Shine. SCCA safety regulations will be enforced. Helmets will be required on the track for every
driver and passenger (Snell 95 or newer).
Registration must be postmarked on or before April 1, 2009 or 1st 225 drivers. Each car participating in the autocross is also required to pay the event registration fee.
Only two drivers are allowed per car. No driver may drive more than one car during the event. Each driver participating in the autocross must submit a completed Autocross Entry Form along with the completed Registration Form. Autocross participants must bring Autocross Confirmation and go through tech before participating in the autocross.
Friday Night Social - June 19th
A welcome party featuring finger food and beverages at the Grand Hotel will begin at 6:00 p.m. This event is open to all registered participants. Admission is FREE but everyone must have a ticket to participate. Tickets
are based on the number provided on the registration form. Your tickets will be in your registration packet.
Show n' Shine Car Show - Saturday, June 20th
The car show will take place on Lincoln Avenue in downtown Steamboat Springs. Please note that the Show n’ Shine is NOT a concours judged competition. Staging will begin at 6:30 a.m. The car show will start at 10:30 a.m. and will end promptly at 3:00 p.m.
Registration with payment must be received on or before June 1, 2009 or 1st 550 Registered Cars.
If this is anything like last year 550 cars will be easily reached!
A form may be downloaded and payments made from the website: www.rmmr.org Please note - there will be NO on-site registration. No refunds after June 5, 2009. Winners in each of the Show n’ Shine classes will be selected by Judging Teams (residents of the Steamboat
community) using the following non councours criteria: Cleanliness, Craftsmanship, and Quality. The Judging Teams will rate each car’s Engine, Interior, Exterior, Wheels/ Tires, and Overall Appearance. Each category is
worth 5 points for a maximum of 25 points. If there are significant changes from stock in any of the above categories, please register in the appropriate modified class. Trophies will be awarded up to 40% in each class (see Class Descriptions page to select the correct class for
your vehicle). Awards will be presented after the breakfast on Sunday at the Host Hotel. Additional trophies will be awarded, including ones for Long Distance (individual) & Long Distance (club).
NOTE: To be eligible for either of the Long Distance awards, vehicle(s) must be driven the distance to and from the show (trailered vehicles ineligible) and must be declared and proper Long Distance form filled out at time of registration.
Breakfast / Show n’ Shine Awards - Sunday, June 21st
The breakfast will be held at the Grand Hotel from 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Only coffee and juice will be served after 9:30 a.m. Awards will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. All participating clubs are encouraged to bring their
club banners (drop them off in the Registration Room) as they will be displayed at this time.
Then the Drive Home - Last year we went through the Colorado Rockies unbelievably spectacular!!!!
Print out the following pages for mail in registration
Last edited by JoeT; 01-16-09 at 10:57 AM.
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