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Thread: camera question

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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    camera question

    Hey guys trying to figure out what DSLR to buy. Seeing if anyone likes there Canon better then the Nikon etc. I had someone steal my bag out of my car when my ttops were off. The bag had all my camera equipment in it. If I go with another Nikon is the d80 worth the extra 300 dollars?

  2. #2
    Senior Member CDW63's Avatar
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    If you already own Nikon lenses, than I would go with Nikon or vice versa if you already have Canon glass. As far as which body, solely depends on budget and what you generally shoot. For general photography the Nikon D80/Canon 50D or XTSi are good choices. If you plan on doing more scenic (aka landscape) than you want a full frame Canon 5D or Nikon D700, both fairly expensive bodies, but they don't have a crop factor (Nikon is 1.5x & Canon 1.6x).

    I usually point anyone that asks toward either a Canon or Nikon system, simply because they have the largest selection of lenses and support gear. Easier to find used equipment and generally good 2nd party lenses for both camera systems.
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  3. #3
    Member Martimus's Avatar
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    To me it's like choosing between coke and pepsi. Both have great strengths and both have weaknesses. In my mind it's tough to find better optics than Nikkor. That's a plus in the Nikon corner. On the other hand Canon has much more experience with consumer DSLR's. That's a plus in the Canon corner.

    For me I own a Canon simply because I have about a dozen Canon lenses of various shapes, sizes, and focal lengths. What type of pictures do you shoot?
    2008 Bullitt, Highland Green Metallic, Dark Charcoal interior


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  4. #4
    Senior Member FalconGTHO's Avatar
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    Man, that sucks to hear, bro. As was said, stay with the brand you have lenses for. However, if its a fresh start, heres my input, since cameras are one of the things I sell for a living.

    Canon, period. Take a look at the sidelines of any sporting event. Baskeball, golf, football, NASCAR, w/e. Its ALWAYS a FOREST of Canons poking out. Flip though the pages of National Geographic. The bulk of pics are done with Canon. If you do action, outdoor, landscape or wildlife, its Canon.

    If you do portrait and studio stuff, its Nikon.

    Given that, I STRONGLY adivse the Canon 40D, if you can swing the price. The Rebels cut some corners. They are a starter dSLR. Given what you had stolen and the pics youve posted, it doesnt appear that youre a beginner. Same applies to those "D" Nikons. Since I dont bother with Nikon, I dont know what model they have thats the equivalent of the 40D.
    Last edited by FalconGTHO; 01-15-09 at 10:32 PM.

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