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Thread: Fabulous Fords @ Knotts april 19th

  1. #1
    Senior Member 05mustangman's Avatar
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    Fabulous Fords @ Knotts april 19th

    ok so the fabulous fords show is april 19 at knotts. well i am wondering if there might be another caravan out to knotts this year! am i very excited for this cause i have never been to this show and missed the cruise last year. i am ready to rock this year and cruise with all the great people from phoenix!!! Let the planning begin!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Torchmach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 05mustangman View Post
    ok so the fabulous fords show is april 19 at knotts. well i am wondering if there might be another caravan out to knotts this year!


    Dave and I have been regulars, and will be planning another Knott's Cruise. Think we will handout maps with instructions this year, as we lost the last 5, out of a 20 Car Caravan last year, transitioning from one freeway to another.

    Knott's is Mustang Meca, you got to go at least once. California owners go to greater lengths to personalize their Cars too.

  3. #3
    Senior Member 05mustangman's Avatar
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    nice that just makes me more excited!! i cant wait for this one!!! lol.

  4. #4
    Senior Member FalconGTHO's Avatar
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    Im going, unless a catastrophe happens. Im trailering. Ive already posted an announcement to organize a Grabber Orange Rally on another board Im on. If the Rally goes down, Ill be going out on Friday. If it doesnt happen, Im not so sure about Friday. Either day I leave, however, I wont be going at the azzcrack of dawn like I heard was the outcome last year. Its less than a 6 hour drive, so Im in no hurry to get out there before 1 or 2 in the afternoon.

    Since this year is the 45th Anniversary celebration of the Mustang, this show will be even better than usual.
    Last edited by FalconGTHO; 01-14-09 at 10:47 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Torchmach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FalconGTHO View Post
    Since this year is the 45th Anniversary celebration of the Mustang, this show will be even better than usual.
    You can count on the organizers of Fab Fords Forever to come up with something special, to commemorate the 45th Anniversery of the Mustang. I am sure that Ford will be there with some 2010 Mustangs, and a couple Tractor-Trailer loads of Mustang memorabilia.

    FYI ,for those trailering Cars over, the speed limit for those pulling trailers in California is 55 MPH. We had a CMC member (Fire Marshal Denver) ticketed a few years back.

  6. #6
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    I think I'd be down for this! I'm about to retire from the Air Force and move back to Texas so this would be a nice last hoorah for me.
    2000 Lightning - 13.57@103
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  7. #7
    Senior Member FalconGTHO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torchmach View Post

    FYI ,for those trailering Cars over, the speed limit for those pulling trailers in California is 55 MPH. We had a CMC member (Fire Marshal Denver) ticketed a few years back.
    Well THAT sucks. However, when I went to Ventura last year to get a part I only saw CHP twice on the way out, none, as I recall, on the way back.

  8. #8
    Junior Member Ken Newman's Avatar
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    I'll be driving the Fairmont over. We usually hook up with the Four Eyed Pride folks at the Po Folks restaurant for breakfast Sunday morning then drive in together. Hope to see you there.
    '78 Fairmont (fox body)
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Torchmach's Avatar
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    Just a reminder Mustangers, The 24th Annual Fabulous Fords Forever at Knotts Berry Resort, in Buena Park, is coming up Fast, Sunday April 19th.

    This year we will be celebrating the 45th Anniversery of the Mustang (Sure bet Ford will be there with 2010 examples), 70th Anniversary of Mercury (Should bring a good turnout of Cougars), and the 50th Anniversary of the Galaxie (Any FE series Big Block fans around?). It is also the 30th Anniversary of the Fox Chassis Mustang. I have allready started whipping my 88' GT into shape, for the trip.

    Dave and I, plan on leading a big turnout of Arizona Foxes over. We are thinking about doing things a little different this year too, starting out on I-10 from the Westside around 10AM, taking an early dinner around 4:30 in Upland at San Biagio's Italian Deli/New York Pizza resturaunt (Dave is recommending it, so it must be good!). After the Sun, and traffic drop off, cruise on in to I-5, and heading south on I-5 to Buena Park. easier than the Freeway jump, to Freeway jump, we have done in the past.

    We are also considering staying as a group, at the Radisson, across from Knotts Berry rather than the Resort Hotel. It is a smaller place, with barbecue grills, in the central commons area, giving us a chance to have a group dinner Saturday evening.

    CMC members will be discussing plans at next Sundays general meeting, more info to follow.
    For more info from Fabulous Fords you can phone 626 914-3738, or go online at
    Last edited by Jacostang; 03-08-09 at 12:01 PM.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Yes, we found this place in Upland when we were at Pomona.. It has the best pizza and Ice cold Beer plus home made Italian Ice Cream (Spamoni), Right off I-10!! When we wnt in the owner was speaking Italian and it was like being back home....Mama!
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

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