Was curious if anyone knew anything about shift kits. i have a 1969 Grade with the c4 auto and i am interested in switching to a manual but i am not sure what it takes.
Was curious if anyone knew anything about shift kits. i have a 1969 Grade with the c4 auto and i am interested in switching to a manual but i am not sure what it takes.
It's more common to go from manual to auto, as going auto to manual requires much more modification i.e. installation of clutch pedal and linkage, if I were you I'd leave your car the way it is, but if you want a manual that bad be prepared to spend $$$$
Manual valve body
2012 GT500 543/533 11.7@120
1995 5.0 minute or two per lap
i was just curious i will most likely keep it manual but i didnt know just how much it took so Thxs!!!!
ill second the notion of keeping it the way it is. save the money for the engine and maybe positraction! (if you dont have it already!)
Nope thats another this i was wanting to know how much is it and how hard is it to do it yer self for a positraction? I really need that!!! I am Hoping FINGERS CROSSED i am getting headers and hoping to score some mufflers for christmas :) but we wil c.
Austin, I would advise against considering coverting to manual. Keep your car stock and not cut up. I believe you have to cut a hole for the manual trans. Even if not, youd have to cut the carpet. Rounding up the parts to covert is tedious AND expensive. You said "shift kit" and yes thats a useful mod for your auto trans. Firms the shifts and raises the shift points. Money well spent and you might eek out a bit more mileage because of it.
Traction Loc is definitely worth it. However, you need to find out if you have a 9 inch diff. You may not since yours is a 302 2bbl. Google around, you can get a complete, rebuilt 9in with your choice of gear. Not sure on prices, its been 20? years since I messed with one. A gearset on its own is about 200, so something like 350 or so for the carrier and diff. If you get it, swapping diffs isnt much harder that doing a starter motor, just a few more bolts and considerably heavier. If you get it, when youre ready to do it and you need/want help, let me know.
exactly! i mean if i had something that original, i would not dare cut it! however.... with some minor bolt on mods.... you just cant pass up! it can be easily switched back. i think Austin mentioned that he has a 9inch.... i could be wrong... it was a while back.
Austin.... if you have a 9 already... AWESOME! you can pretty much just bold on your gears/posi. if you are 9inch-less.... those are rear ends are waaaaay expensive. (even used/in good condition.)
Do you mean converting from an automatic tranny to a manaul tranny as in 4spd or 5spd or do you mean converting an automatic tranny into a maunal valve body were you have to literally shift 1-2-D each time from the light.
I installed a B&M shift kit in an old Roadrunner I have many moons ago. I went all out with the manual valve body were you had to click down into 1 to start the car moving each time. The car had a Mopar click shifter already in it so it make it nice. But you have to get used to clicking down to 1 each time you stop. If you leave it in D, the car will go nowhere. I also installed a mean shift kit that scratched easily going into 2 and D.
Now if your thinking about pulling the auto and going manual as in 4-5spd....major job. Nothing you'd want to do without experiance. You have to install a completly new pedal assembly under the dash which will require new mounting points. You'll need to install all new linkage which will require welding and then you'll need to cross your fingers that everything is lined up properly so there is no binding during engagement. We did a swap on a 70 Firebird while I was in the AF and it was a major job and never worked right.
i was just curious i wasnt actually going to run out and doing it. i was in my thinking chair and it hit me and i didnt kno whwat was involved. And yes i have a 9 Inch, Rox. aaaahahahaha ;) sorry had too. AAAnnywho i Really need to get possi..