Last edited by Jacostang; 11-28-08 at 11:31 AM. Reason: Profanity X 2
So I guess your dad showing up with a bag of cash and paying J.R. = you buying the car?
Tell me... where did you work at 11 years old in order to save up 20,000 dollars? You are a classic case of a spoiled little kid who gets everything handed to them in life. And it makes me sick. Not because you have a great life all paid for by your parents, and you are humble about it, no... If that was the case then all the more power to ya. But the fact that you go on the internet and LIE about it and tell everyone you "saved up" and that you went 11.5 in the car without ever being to the track in your life... makes most people lose all respect for you. And hopping sites and stating the same bullshit wont save you. 80% of the people on AZSS are on this site and all the other mustang / f-body / cobra / import / racing sites on the net.
9TMARE, this is 5 point 1 on AZSS. You made that OTHER account with the fake screename, just to further your point. I don't think your own twin would be ASKING if you bought the car. The account was started right when AZSnake98 started calling you out, and it only has one post. So don't drag me into your Bull.
Have a nice day.
Last edited by Jacostang; 11-28-08 at 11:33 AM. Reason: Profanity
Wisdom is simply the awareness of your own ignorance.
Easy guys, watch the language.....
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
k, but when i went against that guy in that video, my clutch went out the next day, prolly was slipping that night and i diddnt even know it.
Anyways, chris203 "for some reason" only put the clips of him beating me... what about the clips where i almost took him... like in the beginning clips.
Dont matter to me, i dont go there anymore.
azsonicsnake, do you have the black outlining on the back bumper of you cobra? im thinking about getting it, but does it look nice?
Last edited by Zinker; 11-28-08 at 11:49 AM.
yea thats really good. I wish i can go against him again, but from a digg, and i guarantee you ide win this time. But i gotta wait 500 miles before i go hard on this new clutch
I have a centerforce clutch, and i run eagle f1 something 275's