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Thread: FS: 99-04 gt or cobra UPR o/r X-pipe $75

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Gene's Avatar
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    FS: 99-04 gt or cobra UPR o/r X-pipe $75

    Last edited by Gene; 12-13-08 at 04:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Member supastang96gt's Avatar
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    Phoenix, AZ
    what mustang is this for?

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Gene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by supastang96gt View Post
    what mustang is this for?
    99-04 gt or cobra.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I know someone.....

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Gene's Avatar
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    still for sale

  6. #6
    Senior Member az2k1's Avatar
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    this guy is a Flaker..................

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Gene's Avatar
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    Six posts and you want to start bashing a moderator? Who's the one that wasted a half an hour of his time waiting in a parking lot to meet you? Oh wait, that was me. So long story short, we set a time to meet half way in a parking lot at 6:00 PM. I was there at 5:45 because I'm always early. 6:20 roles around when I finally call him. To my surprise, I find out that he hasn't even left yet and he's changing his tires. Who's the flake now? Also, you said you got off at 3:00 PM the other day when I gave you a second shot. I said I would call you later that day. Cool, well I worked until 6:00 PM. After I get home and eat dinner with my family, I call you to set up a time and place. You then you said you didn't want to meet me half way. Yep, I'm the flake guys......

  8. #8
    Senior Member BOOMSHAKALAKA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gene View Post
    Six posts and you want to start bashing a moderator? Who's the one that wasted a half an hour of his time waiting in a parking lot to meet you? Oh wait, that was me. So long story short, we set a time to meet half way in a parking lot at 6:00 PM. I was there at 5:45 because I'm always early. 6:20 roles around when I finally call him. To my surprise, I find out that he hasn't even left yet and he's changing his tires. Who's the flake now? Also, you said you got off at 3:00 PM the other day when I gave you a second shot. I said I would call you later that day. Cool, well I worked until 6:00 PM. After I get home and eat dinner with my family, I call you to set up a time and place. You then you said you didn't want to meet me half way. Yep, I'm the flake guys......
    gene did you happen to sell a pair of cobra seats?
    2001 GT Performance Red

  9. #9
    Senior Member az2k1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gene View Post
    Six posts and you want to start bashing a moderator? Who's the one that wasted a half an hour of his time waiting in a parking lot to meet you? Oh wait, that was me. So long story short, we set a time to meet half way in a parking lot at 6:00 PM. I was there at 5:45 because I'm always early. 6:20 roles around when I finally call him. To my surprise, I find out that he hasn't even left yet and he's changing his tires. Who's the flake now? Also, you said you got off at 3:00 PM the other day when I gave you a second shot. I said I would call you later that day. Cool, well I worked until 6:00 PM. After I get home and eat dinner with my family, I call you to set up a time and place. You then you said you didn't want to meet me half way. Yep, I'm the flake guys......
    lol........yeah you got me im the flaker ...any how it dose not matter if you a moderator or a new member .....but hey good do need it because it's a good dill ................

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Gilbert Arizona
    gene not a flaker, got me a great deal on some cobra seats, thanks man gl with the sale
    1999 Mustang

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