Decided for the hell of it to go to speedworld with Jeff just to have some fun. Had my car at PSR earlier that day getting my car fixed. (thanks PSR for a great/fast job!) Not too many cars, went through tech fast, got to run let the car cool a little then when right to the staging lanes and there was only 1 car in front of me. Wasn't setting any records jsut out there for fun, so wasn't shifting hard. The only bad/scary part was when some abortion of a car (riced out mazda something or other) couldn't shift gears to save his life (was the car that ran in my lane right before me) and apparently somewhere on his 20 second, 80 mph adrenaline fest he spewed a bunch of oil, which no one realized, so as I am racing against Jeff in his cobra I shift to third (which was about 85 mph give or take at the time) my RPM's shoot up like my tires were spinning, so I let off for a seecond then got back in it, at which time my ass end starts sliding out and I fishtail all the way to the end of the 1/4 mile. I have never tried to hard in my life to keep my car straight but SOMEHOW managed to keep her straightAfter they saw me do that they were like NOPE! No more cars! so they spent an hour cleaning it up. I was tired to just left after that. Other than my almost wipeout I had a blast just racing for the first time in about a year. I told jeff "imagine if you were in my lane when you hit that oil spot doing 100+" he just flipped me off