well, its the same day, and this site supports both of the local mustang clubs, so what would you expect since the show you are mentioning is not being put on by either of the clubs? ;)
well, its the same day, and this site supports both of the local mustang clubs, so what would you expect since the show you are mentioning is not being put on by either of the clubs? ;)
i will be going to the kool fm show as i missed the judging deadline for the mca show and there prolly wont be any spots available for peer judging the day of the show. tho i would really enjoy going to the biggest mustang show in arizona.
IMO you can only see so many mustangs before they all look the same just with different pain. DON'T get me wrong i LOVE mustangs otherwise i wouldn't own one.. but i do like other cars and Just REGISTERED CARS ALONE---- for this show are totaled OVER--- yes OVER 1,500 cars.. 1-5-0-0 thats no typo. yes. plus any cars that will be showing up the day of. if it gets over 1700 they were saying they cant do day of registration. they DO have this many parking spots and will be An amazing show. Kool FM put a lot of time into this. Sorry this site does support mustangs but you know what we all have our own damn opinions and All have our own damn freedoms. i CHOOSE to go to this one and this post was to see who was going. not to see who was going to the other show. AS YOU CAN SEE i don't give a crap about the others. Thats why i asked about the KOOL FM CAR SHOW as it is perfectly visible in the title of the thread. So here is to anyone else still reading the thread. Is there anyone going to theshow. if you missed the judge dead line This will be a great show for u to attend if looking for something to do on your day off.KOOL FM
Hey don't go crazy here, no one is attacking you for going to the Kool Show, I wish I could go also but I also wish you guys could go to our show and that is why I replied and relayed what happened with the dates..Again.
Our club exists for two reasons IMO to celebrtate the Mustang with friends and by doing so donating thousands of dollars to charities here in the Phoenix Area.
If we had different dates, I bet over 100 members of our club would have gone to that show and thats a shame to miss it and why I was so dissapointed when they came out with their date. Maybe things just could not work out on another date or maybe they just did not care but I recieved absolutely no response to my inquirey. We set our date and 3 months later they came out and set thiers.
It does not make any sense to schedule over the top of other shows and we try very hard never to do that to any other clubs. Competition is good but not in these cases at all.
Have Fun and maybe we'll see you in the spring at Berge For Rock and Roll Pony Show "Under The Lights" in March...
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
wow, dunno what you expect there buddie. there was a show that was on the same day as the wild west mustang show that was recently held, and i did not post about it or mention a word about it out of respect for a fellow club. i guess for some people that concept is rather hard to understand. i just don't know what you expected to happen when you post an event thats on the same day as a national level car show being put on by a local club.
its the fact that i asked if any one was attending the Kool FM car show and this got over run by monsoon madness and became the new thread for it. yes take a look and it is blatantly obvious. thats exactly what happend.
Tony it doesn't really matter. His post will not effect anyones decision to attend the CMC show.
True Mustang Enthusiasts will be at the CMC show.
I never even heard of the Kool show until now and I have been in AZ for 5 years.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
Wow so because i have had a better experience at the Kool FM show and i don't go to the CMC show and because they have retarded dated that the judgment has to be in im not a Mustang enthusiast? wow that the most retarded thing i have ever heard. I love my mustang. i pay more attention to her then my Girl that im engaging with. Sorry im not "old" and because im just this "kid" im degraded to automatically being this immature spoiled. sorry i work. i understand cars. Sorry i actually did pay for my car because i would have gotten a P.o.s. import. but i wouldn expect u to understand because life is high for u.. Guess no matter what im just this kid who Is not a mustang ENTHUSIAST as i got to car shows every weekend of my life. guess in the long run though. your not any better than i am. Immature and retarded. At least i can blame it on young age whats yer excuse?
Last edited by Mr. Austin; 10-19-08 at 11:17 PM.
Son you have some growing up to do.
My post was not directed at you it is a true statement.
Remember when you first came to this site after the last CMC show.
You sent me a nasty message because I didn't get a photo of your car at the show because the people standing in front of it would not let me get a clear show.
I went out of my way to find a photo from another member.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
Last edited by Mr. Austin; 10-19-08 at 11:16 PM. Reason: clean