only sell car if its paid in full never trust someone how cant have the bank loan him the money
only sell car if its paid in full never trust someone how cant have the bank loan him the money
1999 Mustang
i usally change the oil myself and i use royal purple. but last july i really messed up my shoulder and im going into surgery this fri. it has been around 6,000 miles since i changed my oil.... and i sometimes have a heavy foot.
im going to go back soon (midterm week) and ask if he can get a loan.
Why not just get an Explorer 4.6 and put in it? Yes you will have to get a wiring harness but thats an idea.
1988 LX
1997 GT
1997 F350 CC LWB Powerstroke
2002 Expedition Eddie Bauer
well i just tred to call the guy for the 94. no answer... im going to go back to jiffy lube to talk to the guy and see if he can take a loan.
what do you guys think about this one ? and if he cant buy my car i will prb put it on craiglist.
just curious but whats the life expactancy of my car? i heard its 200,000 miles. is that right?
The life expectancy of any car is anywhere from 1 mile to 600,000 thousand depending on many variables such as stupidity of driver like if he changes the oil or does any maint. I have put an motor in a 98 Chevy truck with only 42,000 thousand miles on it. They said they changed the oil every 3,000 so maybe there was a problem in the machining process. Who knows man. I had Toyota Camry's with 400,000 miles come in the shop when I worked for Toyota and seemed like brand new.
Ok during the winter look on find you an Explorer 4.6, then a GT harness, and a tranny of your choice auto or manual. Put in and boom you got a V8. Be gentle on it for a while then get you an 8.8 to put in there. Then your car is paid for it will run good and best of all your only paying insurance on a V6. Tell me where this is a bad idea.
1988 LX
1997 GT
1997 F350 CC LWB Powerstroke
2002 Expedition Eddie Bauer
I say you should hold off until you can afford something else. If you don't have more money to put into a car, do you really think buying a car that's going to consume more gas, possibly carry higher insurance costs, generally involve a little more maintenance, etc.