Just wanted to know if anyone out there is selling long tube headers or know anybody that is selling any. I drove over a brick and pretty much trashed my BBK long tubes. Bassani mid lengths would work for me also. Thanks!
Just wanted to know if anyone out there is selling long tube headers or know anybody that is selling any. I drove over a brick and pretty much trashed my BBK long tubes. Bassani mid lengths would work for me also. Thanks!
1-5/8. All I really need is the drivers side but I doubt anyone is going to have that. Thought I'd be able to salvage it but it's annihilated. I put it in my storage unit, try to get pics of it this weekend. Forgot to mention this is from a 2000 GT.
Last edited by Poonstang2k; 09-19-08 at 12:03 AM.
1-5/8. All I really need is the drivers side but I doubt anyone is going to have that. Thought I'd be able to salvage it but it's annihilated. I put it in my storage unit, try to get pics of it this weekend.
No longer need any. Replaced them this morning.