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Thread: 2002 GT - Goal - 300rwhp N/A

  1. #21
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BD5034 View Post
    It's not just a daily driver, it's a commuter car, a LONG commute. I already spend outrageous amounts of money on gas - I don't want to make it any worse. That's why.
    Then install the new M112 kit from TTI. It's a Magnuson/Eaton Series 5 blower. You could pick up a non-inter cooled kit for about $3500.00 (although I would go inter cooled) for $4400.00. Since you have a long commute in cruise at 65-70 your mileage should get a bit better. On a long 300 mile trip to a car show, we took 2 cars. A 2000 and a 2003. Both were supercharged with the same kit. One got 26.5 and one got 27.5/28 MPG.
    The advantage of a roots style blower is that it moves air by volume. In and out. A twin screw like a KB, moves air in, it compresses the air, and moves air out. The compressor is always on, so you loose mileage by 7-15%.
    Of course you will need to keep your foot out of it light to light. Ad up the cost of all the bolt ons, and then compare it to the cost of an S/C. Keep it at 7 pounds and later on install a smaller pulley and kick it up a bit.

  2. #22
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    Sigh. Everyone recommends gears. I fill my tank 2.5 or 3 times per week. Increasing my cruising RPM at 70 mph from 1800 to 2500+ (a 38% increase) is not acceptable. My goal isn't strip performance; i just to whoop lancer evos and wrx sti's on the highway. (or any other mid-level import sports car for that matter)

    To ronster about supercharging: I plan on supercharging the car once I get a new daily driver in a year or two. For now I want to keep everything under the hood as simple as possible - that means I can fix it myself if it breaks. When I do a supercharger, a full exhaust will still have been an excellent investment, as will my plenum and throttle body. The only thing I've purchased that will have been wasted is the cold air kit, which didn't cost very much.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BD5034 View Post
    To ronster about supercharging: I plan on supercharging the car once I get a new daily driver in a year or two. For now I want to keep everything under the hood as simple as possible - that means I can fix it myself if it breaks. When I do a supercharger, a full exhaust will still have been an excellent investment, as will my plenum and throttle body. The only thing I've purchased that will have been wasted is the cold air kit, which didn't cost very much.
    BD...The kit comes with a 1300 CFM throttle body and its own CAI as well as a 90mm MAF and plenum. You are right that the exhaust will also help. I'm here to tell you, this kit is VERY simple, but puts it on a par with the 03-04 Cobra's, with everything else bone stock.

  4. #24
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    I am definately going to supercharge, just not now. I am doing small, manageable mods that I can purchase slowly - one at a time - and install myself. The budget I have outlined for myself is about $500 / month, so supercharging is also over the price that I had in mind. I haven't brought up the financial aspect of this really because that's not the number one issue, but it still counts when it comes to the more expensive things.

  5. #25
    Senior Member OH3MGSVT's Avatar
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    Im definitely going the TTI s/c kit myself. I plan to build the bottom end first though then buy the superchargerless kit because I plan on buying a used stage V eaton and putting it on there. Then of course I can upgrade to a kb/whipple or even a TVS 1900/2300 supercharger! Dont mean to steal the thread but yeah doing all the bolt ons possible (including LT, Cams, etc.) are gonna cost you about the same as a s/c setup in the end. But it would also make kick ass improvements if you did all the bolt-ons then s/c it. but it up to you on what route you want to go. Best of luck to ya!

  6. #26
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    Yeah. I am definately planning on doing a roots-type supercharger sometime. For now though, I don't need killer power - just a little zip to play around on the highway while driving to work every once in a while.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahawkins View Post
    Im definitely going the TTI s/c kit myself. I plan to build the bottom end first though then buy the superchargerless kit because I plan on buying a used stage V eaton and putting it on there. Then of course I can upgrade to a kb/whipple or even a TVS 1900/2300 supercharger! Dont mean to steal the thread but yeah doing all the bolt ons possible (including LT, Cams, etc.) are gonna cost you about the same as a s/c setup in the end. But it would also make kick ass improvements if you did all the bolt-ons then s/c it. but it up to you on what route you want to go. Best of luck to ya!
    so you moving up to a 4v since the eatons going on there?

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahawkins View Post
    Im definitely going the TTI s/c kit myself. I plan to build the bottom end first though then buy the superchargerless kit because I plan on buying a used stage V eaton and putting it on there. Then of course I can upgrade to a kb/whipple or even a TVS 1900/2300 supercharger! Dont mean to steal the thread but yeah doing all the bolt ons possible (including LT, Cams, etc.) are gonna cost you about the same as a s/c setup in the end. But it would also make kick ass improvements if you did all the bolt-ons then s/c it. but it up to you on what route you want to go. Best of luck to ya!
    I priced out doing a used Gen 3 or 4 used 03-04 Cobra blower. With the manifold, and all of the other parts and pieces you will need to support it, it will cost more than buying a new kit with a 12 month warranty. One thing that all of these installs have had in common, within about a 1000 miles, everyone of them needed a new clutch. TOO much power for the stock clutch. With good rods, pistons, Stage I Fox Lake heads, Stage II Fox Lake cams, 2.5 inch exhaust, you will hit 500 rwhp at 12 pounds of boost. Guaranteed.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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    Luke AFB
    since when does a eaton from a cobra fit on a 2v?

  10. #30
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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    Luke AFB
    nevermind just saw a company makes the kit lowerintake and wants 2k screw that you can buy a kit with all the little stuff for only another grand cheaper and would be better off

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