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Thread: AZ's Quickest Streetcar Shootout

  1. #1

    AZ's Quickest Streetcar Shootout

    I don't see the upcoming events forum anymore so I thought I would post this here:

    No date set but will probably be in the fall at Speedworld. Sign up if you are interest in running. Also post on to other forums if you would.
    Last edited by QTRPONY; 06-15-06 at 01:22 PM.
    11.724@120.065 (1.839 60ft)

    "It doesn't matter how bad your car is on the Dyno-it's the clock at the end of the track that counts!"

  2. #2
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA
    This is a good place to post Drag Race events. Or you could put it in the regional forum.
    I will get an events section set up for FFW,WFC,NMRA, and anything else that the members want.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  3. #3
    I signed up weeks ago, this should be an exciting event.

    It's not just for the fastest cars either, if your car is somewhat fast, bring it on out and have some FUN is what it's all about.
    " I live my life a Quarter Pounder at a time!"

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