What rpm are you leaving at and how many pounds of boost do you see leaving the line? What sort of psi do you run overall?
Was at the track this weekend and saw a guy having lots of problems with his Cobra. He just installed the 2-step and his problem was stemming from the fact that the 2-step was engaging again after he left the line. He said that if touched the clutch pedal at all once he left the line it would engage again. He said he does not lift his foot 100% off the clutch pedal and it was enaging after he left the line. So does that mean the car was bogging too much and dropping more than 1000 rpms below the set launch rpm?? I guess I am a little confused as to how the box knows when to activate the 2-step and when not to if the only thing controlling it is if the clutch pedal is engaged.
Fo Mo Co Mo Fo