Actually there is an insane number of shows in which the host club shows. I can only think of one on the past few years where this wasn't true. Does copperstate show their cars at the GCC show? I thought no...but now that I think about it, I think they did? Anyone?
Kev as far as your ass getting kicked by the half breed old ford.I actually agree with you. If they are not ford powered they don't get a shot at best show...that will be true in ours if I have anything to do with it. So I think that was wrong. But we still luv ya big guy.
Shameless Bump...dash plaques...looking good! Contests, entertainment, 100's of shopping vendors, trophies for first and second, great plaque for third...don't miss this!
Dash plaques, games, goody bags, raffles and shopping...100's of places to shop all in one place! Oct. 11th...8am-2pm...cruising afterwards...
Blown 66- The Copperstate GCC show was people's choice. This was not a judged show. Why would there be an issue with a club participating in their own show when it's people's choice?
Actually this show was never going to be a peoples choice show. Our people just don't like it. Ours will be one of three ways to be judged...determined at our next board meeting btw. (and is predicated on how many entrants there are)
1) Club judged, not show for trophies against other participants.
2) Peer judge, which I am 100% against...but two board members are for...we'll see. Seems to me if you have a club member against 5 other none club members in a class the club member probably has an advantage...
3) Outside club judging the show. Currently I have met with a local none ford club that has agreed (if we want them) to judge our show, in return we will judge one of their future shows. To be honest...I think that is the best off all worlds.