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Thread: tire pressure monitor problems

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    tire pressure monitor problems

    i just installed shelby gt500 rims and tires, the tpm is reading a fault on the intrument panel, is there a way to fix this other than hitting reset everytime i get in the car lol thx all for any help in this area , btw love the rims and got a wicked deal on em

  2. #2
    I don't mean to ask dumb questions, but did you swap the sensors from the wheels you took off to the new wheels? If you don't have tpms in the new wheels then you will get the fault. There are those that have built PVC tubes to hold the tpms and then pressurized them. This does work, I did it to my sons car, but if you drive more than about 40 miles at a time you'll still get the fault anyway. The only real fix is to put the sensors in your new wheels.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    i was told there was tpm's in the shelby wheels already they were brand new take offs and his vendor assured me they were already there Argh

  4. #4
    Senior Member svtrichie's Avatar
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    Then you will have to reprogram the new sensors to the car. Not sure but some of the newer cars have a way to reset the system in the computer. Best thing to do would just call the dealer and ask the service advisor how to reset it. Some use rf signals, some can use a magnet to reset.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Wharf Rat's Avatar
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    I think you have to buy a little gadget from Ford for $20 that resets the system.

    I think you can find them on Ebay.
    2012 GT500 543/533 11.7@120
    1995 5.0 minute or two per lap

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by svtrichie View Post
    Then you will have to reprogram the new sensors to the car. Not sure but some of the newer cars have a way to reset the system in the computer. Best thing to do would just call the dealer and ask the service advisor how to reset it. Some use rf signals, some can use a magnet to reset.
    Yep, ya gotta reprogram the sensors to "your" car. Your Ford dealer will do it but probably wants a fortune for the service so better to spend the money on one of these and have the tool to keep. Google the ford reprogrammer and you might find it cheaper than the one Steeda has.
    Last edited by blownC6Z; 08-16-08 at 06:01 PM.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2007
    thanks alot all i will look into it and let you know how it all works out

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