On the 17th of this month there was a mobile unit sitting on the exit of the downtown tunnel. They gave the customary warning sign just two seconds prior to where the vehicle was sitting. It was going flash crazy in the 55 mph stretch. Which brings me to my point...Does anyone here really drive 55 mph on the inner-city freeway? The whole thing is a joke! It use to be the reason one received a speeding ticket was for the concerned safety for yourself and others around you. At least some years back that was the issue we were told. Now the paper reveals, a few weeks back, that concern is how much money was being poured into the freeway camera idea and how much they will make in return (just over 3 times the return of the cost the first year). No mentioned about their little project being used as a safety deterrent.
Yes! I was one, I'm sure, that registered a flash from their little camera. Moving with the flow of traffic is all I was doing. Still waiting for my ticket!