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Thread: Speed cameras???

  1. #1
    Senior Member Wharf Rat's Avatar
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    Speed cameras???

    Is this true? I read it in an article about doing the same crap in Illinois.

    "In Arizona, 50 speed cameras will be deployed on highways by September with another 50 by January at a cost of about $20 million. The state hopes to raise $90 million a year by imposing $165 fines on vehicles going 10 mph over the speed limit or faster."
    2012 GT500 543/533 11.7@120
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  2. #2
    Senior Member santa_rosa_lt1's Avatar
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    yeah on the 101 loop
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    a little faster then stock.

  3. #3
    Member AZ-GT's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Blackmagic1's Avatar
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    Yes its true, already have them on east loop 101 and now the west 101 loop.Even a write up on Radarbusters .com

  5. #5
    Senior Member santa_rosa_lt1's Avatar
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    also between sr51 and frank Loyd blvd
    2003 svt Lightning
    chickenears cai

    bassani catback
    bassani catted mid
    LFP stage one W/ 4lb lower
    Fluidyne HE

    a little faster then stock.

  6. #6
    Senior Member DVSRICK's Avatar
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    Each city now has there own budget for the cameras and there will be spread across the freeways and at all major intersections. Now they even have the cameras set up for when if you run the red arrow it will go off for left hand turn lanes. The west side loop 101 doesn't have the cameras yet but will here soon in a month or two. (they stop around the 51 and 101) But there are plenty of cameras in the intersections like 83rd and thunderbird and soon to be 83rd and Bell.

    93 FOX

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DVSRICK View Post
    Each city now has there own budget for the cameras and there will be spread across the freeways and at all major intersections. Now they even have the cameras set up for when if you run the red arrow it will go off for left hand turn lanes. The west side loop 101 doesn't have the cameras yet but will here soon in a month or two. (they stop around the 51 and 101) But there are plenty of cameras in the intersections like 83rd and thunderbird and soon to be 83rd and Bell.
    they got 83 and union :( i dont think they should have it on the red arrow. i think that may cause more accidents when they turn on it being yellow.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Wharf Rat's Avatar
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    Wow, that sucks! Are they at least radar (not laser) so the V1 can sniff them out?

    Are they sending out tickets for 10 over or do you have to be hauling the mail to get messed with?
    2012 GT500 543/533 11.7@120
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  9. #9
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    The cameras on the east side of 101 have been turned off for a few weeks now. When they were active, they were set to go off at 11 over. So it would start taking pictures at 76mph.

    You will find that in general the speed limits are higher in AZ than IL. In the areas closest to downtown, it is 55. The other areas are 65. Farther out it is 75.

    As a former Chicagoan, I can't think of one thing that you will miss about that place while being in AZ.

  10. #10
    Senior Member ttocs's Avatar
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    they use speed sensors mounted in the road, you radar will not do anything. I got a photo ticket last year on the 101 for76 in a 65. I did the deferal class since it was my first in a long time(10 yrs). The only way you radar will work with them is if you have a GPS unit.

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