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Thread: Favorite Thing About Car Shows

  1. #11
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chewbaccajones View Post
    These are a few of my favorite things about a car show - as found on this site.

    Attachment 2116
    HOLY CRAP BATMAN..... How much you wanna bet I could crack an egg on that.....

  2. #12
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    Don't get me wrong.. I like the chicks but a married guys have limits.

    I'd say the raffles. That show two years ago at the Ford dealer on the west side had some of the best bid auction prizes.

    Also the one in Mesa at a huge community church has amazing prizes too....

  3. #13
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeT View Post
    I like hanging with the people from our club and meeting new people. Until I joined CMC I thought I was the only whack job that was insane about cars.
    None of my family gets it, and my neighbors tell me my marriage must be great if I rub on my wife the same way I rub on my cars!

    Once I hung out with some of the CMC members for awhile I found out that it is actually a disease enjoyed by many others.

    hahaha.. And her response is?

  4. #14
    Senior Member JoeT's Avatar
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    Well my wife always wants more rubbing.

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