Is that Wolfe rear suspension your running?
Which 88mm?
Is that Wolfe rear suspension your running?
Which 88mm?
I would look into a TH400 or a Glide
I run a Glide in my Turbo Stang (track car)
what company makes a turbo 400 that will go right in.? how much power do you think they will scrub?
what is bad about the C4 just curious.
its a T-6 frame, PT 88mm, it was going to be used for a much larger engine so it may be a bit big, but hey transbrake and let it spool......
i dont know much about the turbocharger as far as the specs other than that, it is a ceramic ball bearing turbo, i think more of an outlaw car is what its typically used for. im just building a weekend car for fun not to do for a living or anything
Last edited by BUSTED; 07-22-08 at 08:14 PM.
I dont know about going right in, but with a UltraBell and a nice shifter should be pretty simple.
These guys make the best 400s imop, they will handle any hp you can throw at it
The C4s dont last long turbo combos, you will have to freshin it up quite a bit on a high HP turbo car.
Your converter will make or break the cars performance. Talk to Lenny at Ultimate or Neil Chance.
ok, thanks for the help.i will check them out.
but what do you think about the blower set up guys.......
whipple 3.4 with spray
or KB 2.8 Mammoth kit with spray
I am more of a Kenne fan. The 2.8 is just a little more rare and overall cooler I think
2012 Race Red GT w/ a 5 Liter and a 6 speed
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T traded in.
'03 DBS Cobra .... Traded in, THANK GOD
'01 Ford Lightning.... Sold, sorely missed
If you want to go 9's and already have a KB 2.4 you are good to go. Just put a good auto behind it.
I know of a KB 2.4 with a C4 that is already there on a bone stock long block. No nitrous either.
Fo Mo Co Mo Fo
hmm, ya i have heard of the smaller blowers going 9's but if there were so good why did they come out with a bigger one. its going to be 95% strip car. thats why i figured they made a larger blower, for really high boost for the strip,and to make more power??