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"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

How can we help get that thing into production?
Senior Member
I was looking but didn't see where I can go to buy one of those .....
Did anyone see a BUY NOW button

93 FOX
Senior Member
No way in hell, it sounds too good to be true...if this were real, I doubt there are many people that would not have sold this off or partnered up with a manufacturer yet, even if there are patents involved he'd still make an azz load of money. I think it's a bit too good to be true. Maybe 100 mpg when it's idling on a tow truck!
Senior Member
it looks like he has money....did you see all those mustangs he had!!!
Senior Member
I bet he will be killed by the automotive companies because of that or all the oil inversters

93 FOX
Junior Member
I get 110 miles per tank not per gallon. I am sure I will go the 1st 110 miles faster though.
It might be true, but kinda
A carburated engine doing 110miles per gallon. Yeah, when pigs fly.
If it really does that many mpgs, maybe they used different chemicals in the fuel.
Last edited by AODGTVert; 07-05-08 at 11:01 AM.
Senior Member
Saw this on another site a few days ago. I dont buy it. Heres my response on there:
Thats so much bullzit its ridiculous. Skip the 110MPG. 0 to 60 in 3 secs? Lol. NOT in THAT car. 400 HP isnt enough to get the job done AND he doesnt have the traction anyway. Also, horsepower COSTS fuel. Its one or the other. They indeed ARE mutually exclusive. This douche needs to get beat, have the car stolen and get run over by it.
Senior Member
The only thing that amazes me is that someone let this idiot onto the news
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