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Thread: east side tech night?

  1. #1
    Senior Member ttocs's Avatar
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    east side tech night?

    I saw that the west side club had organized a couple of nights where everyone got together at one persons house on a saterday morning, had a pancake breakfast and helped each other do some work on their cars. I wanted to go but it was a little further then I wanted to drive so I though maybe we could organize something like that on the east side? We all know that there are projects that we want to do on our cars that we may or may not know what to do, or have the tools/hands to do it. I am sure there is somebody in our club that has done it before that could help and maybe there is something you can help them with, we could call it a mechanical pot luck even if there was not food.

    yellowgt5.0 has been helping me with the top of my motor recently and I am going to build him a cool box for some subs. I have thought about attacking my exhaust after this, anyone else need some stereo work done?

    What are some other projects that club members want to do on their cars? are there any nights that are good or off limits for people if we do get this rollin?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    That would be fun for sure! Heck I'm getting ready to put the 79 together here shortly but maybe if peopel need help we could get it together!
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  3. #3
    Senior Member wickedcobra's Avatar
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    Im in as long as Im not working

  4. #4
    Senior Member svtrichie's Avatar
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    I am in, just name a time and place.

  5. #5
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Senior Member ttocs's Avatar
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    I was hoping we only needed somebody to get the ball started, and that I could be that guy.

    Tanner just left here and today we pulled the replaced the GT lower with the cobra. INstalled the fuel rail, Dist, and a bunch of other little shtuff. I put in a 3/8" spacer which has made the EGR pipe between the exhaust and the upper too short, and I have some vacuum lines that need replacing in hopes that my vents will start to work again. I will probably install the alt and we might get together tomorrow if he has time, it is not my daily driver so we are working on his schedule since he is doing me the favor. If anyone has time and wants to try and make it I can give you a call if it falls into place but I am hoping we can have her started in a couple of hours.

    My project in particular might not be the best one to count as our 1rst official meet since we are knee deep in it and can almost see the light now. I personally would just like to know more about cars so if anyone else has a project that they want to start on I would love to help out so that I can learn about them. I have alot of audio/security experience and would love to learn more about just about anything(motor, suspension, ect) so if anyone else is starting a project let me know and if I can make it I will, and if we can schedule it a week or so in advance maybe we can make a party of it.
    Last edited by ttocs; 06-30-08 at 05:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member wickedcobra's Avatar
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    I wont be available for about 2 weeks. If I dont sell my car which its not looking like I will we could do a East side Turbo install on a Cobra and then have some

  8. #8
    Senior Member ttocs's Avatar
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    I would love to get some turbo or supercharger experience since I would love to put one on....

  9. #9
    Senior Member chewbaccajones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickedcobra View Post
    and then have some
    pfft, I can stand around and do that for sure. I may even have something funny to say.

  10. #10
    Senior Member IMSHAKN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickedcobra View Post
    I wont be available for about 2 weeks. If I dont sell my car which its not looking like I will we could do a East side Turbo install on a Cobra and then have some
    Uh oh...has someone been bitten by the turbo bug?

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