ya my ex's bf last year tried to kill me. he recognized me by my car, after all my ex is the one who helped me get it. and lastnight 3 guys, one looked liked the brother of the guy that attacked me came into taco bell after my me gf and he mom went in. the started talking and pointing and staring at me so my gf said its time to go. about 30 seconds after we left so did they. i was in my gf moms car an i saw one of the guys looking in my car then what looked like throwing something on my car then he went to the back and threw something at my back windsheild. i checked it out when i got home and he keyed the shit out of my passenger side. quarter pannel to quarter pannel. i wanted to call the cops but there was nothing they could do. i wanted to go out and beat his ass but there was 3 to 1 and if they were affilated with my ex and her brothers gang then i could almost guarntee that they were armed. so i bit my tongue with this one. i could have done so many things differently but i was dumb and didnt think of them at the time. im trying to convince my parents into letting me get a get with a popular color. after all that is the most popular car in reno. but they want me out of mustangs and get me something with better Gas mi. and power.
i wanna cry!![]()